An Uncertain Future

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(Batman snuck silently into the Lex Corp lab)

(A hallway full of armed security guards lay ahead as Batman prepared to take them all down with silent takedowns)

(A super fast blur sped down the hall and knocked out all the guards within an instant)

(Superman looked up at Batman hiding in the vent)

Superman: "Well? What are you waiting for?"

Batman: "Show off."

(Batman leapt down and went into the computer, downloading Lex's files)

Superman: "Metahumans?"

Batman: "Luthor's been tracking them. Ever since you and Wonder Woman defeated Zod, these people have been popping up all over the globe. This information is far too dangerous in the wrong hands."

Superman: "I'm still not convinced your hands are the right hands."

Batman: "Fair enough. Alright. I'm good here. Now. Show me the equipment."

Superman: "It was right over.."

(The lab was on fire)

Superman: "No...he..he destroyed it all anyway..."

Batman: "Along with your best hope of getting her back..fortunately I have a solution."

Superman: "What?"

Batman: "We recruit a team of metahumans...and find her ourselves."

Superman: "Find them with what? What do you have your own satellite?"

Batman: "I have six."

Superman: "And why would you want to find any of them? What's your motive?"

(Bruce thought back to the dream he had)

Batman: " stop something terrible from happening."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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