Torn Apart

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(Clark stood off to the side as Diana reunited with her mother)

Hippolyta: "Oh Diana..I am so glad you are safe...but by getting involved with this man you have broken our most sacred law."

Diana: "I do not care, mother. I love him and I wish to spend my life with him."

(She gave Clark a loving smile)

Hippolyta: "..then you leave me no choice."

(A portal appeared around Clark and sent him away)

Superman: "Wait! No...!!!"

Diana: " could you? HOW COULD YOU MOTHER??!!"

Hippolyta: "You are to remain here and resume the life you had before."

Diana: "The life I had before is nothing compared to the life I have now! I will find my way back to him, no matter how long it takes!"

(Marches away from her)

(Superman ended up in a laboratory)

Lex: "Mm..truly heartwrenching."

(Superman lifted him up angrily)

Superman: "Did you have something to do with this?"

Lex: "Of course. These time travel portals you've seen are all inventions of mine. Still fine tuning it of course."

(Superman shoved him down)

Superman: "Well it stops here."

(He lit up his eyes and faced the machinery)

Lex: "Mm! You could destroy them. But then.. how would you reunite with your beloved princess?"

(Superman turned back to him with a conflicted expression before flying through the wall)

(Lex watched him leave with a wicked grin on his face)

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