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(Superman and Wonder Woman flew through the clouds, hand in hand when a beam appeared in front of them)

Wonder Woman: "How strange. It is similar to the portal that brought me here. I wonder if.."

(She flew toward it)

Superman: "Diana wait..!"

(It collapsed around them, sending them to another place..and another time)

Ares: "God Killer! You have arrived at last!"

Wonder Woman: "No it cannot be.."

Superman: "What is it? Who's that?"

Wonder Woman: "The God of War himself..Ares."

Ares: "Whoever that man is, he is not worthy to stand by your side."

Superman: "I'll show you worthy."

(Tackles Ares at top speed and slams him through fallen debris)

Ares: " last a true battle!"

(Barrages Superman with debris)

(Wonder Woman yells and kicks Ares in midair, engaging him in hand to hand combat)

Ares: "My dear you have so much to learn!"

(She blasts him with a gauntlet shockwave)

Superman: "Diana!"

(He fires heat vision which Diana absorbs with her gauntlets and then blasts Ares with it)

Ares: "Ooh! Exquisite!"

(The three fought for minutes longer until Superman punched him repeatedly on the ground and Diana knocked him out with a kick to the face)

Wonder Woman: "We can imprison him on Themyscira. I believe these portals are the way back."

Man of Steel/Wonder Woman Part 2Where stories live. Discover now