part 2

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“Wake up!” Freezing water hits my body.
“Yes, Ms. Newman,” I state with a fearful tone as I stand shivering from the cold draft.
Luckily Ella seemed to have moved to the younger kids' room.
“We have people coming in search of a child. I want this place spotless. Do you understand?”
I slowly nod before she slaps me. “Use your words little witch” She spats.
“Yes ma’am” My voice wavers before she hands me the bucket she had the water she had dumped on me.
“Good, because you know what happens to little girls who don’t listen.”
Memories of the cold dark basement cause me to tremble despite my every effort.
Ms. Newman gives me a shove. “Now go because if this place is not cleaned in two hours…”
I scramble down the stairs and to the kitchen.
I fill the bucket up and grab the sponge and soap before going upstairs to wake the kids.
I knock lightly on the door. “Kids it's time to wake up.”
A few moments later Ella opens the door with a huge smile on her face. “Peter woke us up after you woke up.” She opens the door wider.
I see Peter in a torn plain red hoodie and black sweatpants.
It takes him one glance before he takes his hoodie off and wraps it around my shoulders.
“What are you doing? Go get some dry clothes.”
I shake my head. “I have to clean before they come.” I shiver as I hand his hoodie back to him which he didn’t grab.
“I’ll get you some dry clothes.” I turn to hurry and fill the bucket with cold water. Peter meets me by the downstairs bathroom, by Ms. Newman’s office.
“Here,” He takes the bucket while I grab the towel and my clothes a black long sleeve shirt and dark purple sweat pants, identical to what I am wearing now.
“Thank you,” I whisper before opening the door and walking inside. I see her shelves lined with expensive perfumes that she had gotten from the money the government sends us.
I change my pants and reach to lift my shirt when I hear Peter knock 4 times on the door- Ms. Newman is nearby.
I quickly change my shirt hissing at the quick movements.
I slide into the hall and then grab the bucket Peter was holding while muttering a quick thank you and racing to clean the sitting area.
The cold water nearly freezing my fingers as I scrub the floors until they are clean.
I go on autopilot until the entire place is cleaned.
I place the bucket in the broom closet and walk to my room to grab a pair of shoes and more dry clothes.
He knew they would get wet while I was cleaning.
My nose begins to tingle seconds later a quiet sneeze is heard.
I see another black long sleeve shirt and grey sweatpants.
I change again knowing I’ll get sick wearing wet clothes.
My fuzzy tan boots lay under my bed. I slip them on as Peter walks inside. “They’re here,” He says with a wide smile.
“Maybe they’ll adopt Ella” I state hopeful.
She’s such a sweet girl. They’ll definitely adopt her.
“Hopefully they will” He agrees.
“Did you see who they were?” He shakes his head still smiling.
“Come on, let's go.” He leads the way back downstairs.
We don’t even make it down before Ms. Newman grabs my arm with a sharp jerk. “You better not try anything funny little witch or you and the girl you are so attached to will go to the basement.” Her threat sends a chill down my spine.
“Y-yes” My face begins to sting as tears well up at the pain.
“Can’t even speak correctly.” She scolds before walking back downstairs with a fake smile plastered on her face.
“I apologize for the delay Mister Stark. One of the children is quite shy.” She turns around to signal for me to come down.
I walk down and see a male wearing an expensive suit and tinted sunglasses and a little girl with the same brown hair and eyes.
So he wants to adopt so his daughter has someone to play with while he works.
I keep my head down once his eyes meet mine.
“So what is your name?” He asks casually.
“Daisy sir”. I answer in a quiet voice. “Daisy where is Peter?” I can’t help but to flinch at her soft tone. It always means she is going to punish us.
“H-he should be coming down ma’am.” I shift my feet still looking down at the floor I just cleaned. “Peter? Peter who?” He raises his voice in surprise. I look back up the stairs.
Peter come on. What is wrong with you?
“What is Peter’s last name?” He repeats himself.
“Parker. His name is Peter Parker.” I answer quietly.  “Peter Benjamin Parker!” I flinch at his raised voice.
Holy shit! This is Tony Stark.
“Mister Stark I can go get him if you like.” I look up this time. “I believe he heard me.” He states annoyed.
I see Ms. Newman shoot me a chilling glare.
I move far away from her towards the little children.
I smile seeing Ella and Morgan playing together.
“Mister Stark I can explain.” Peter slowly walks down the stairs in a mild panic.
“Why didn’t you tell me kiddo?” He asks with a softness I never heard in this building from an adult other than
Miss Lori.
“I wanted to stay here with my friends.” He glances at me.
Unlucky for me Mister Stark sees this. “Is this your girlfriend?” He teases with a raised eyebrow while taking his sunglasses off and folding them onto his shirt.
“No. She’s my best friend.” He quickly states.
“So it’s the other girl you talk about.” He continues on. I can’t help but smile at this.
“Now what was her name.” He taps his chin. “Mister Stark if you don’t mind…” She pauses for a brief moment. “Daisy has some chores she needs to catch up on.”
I feel my heart begin to beat out of my chest.
I clutch my hands together to keep them steady.
I can’t let them see me like this.
I glance at Ella playing happily. “Mister Stark please adopt Ella,” I say carefully to keep my voice even and not make it sound like I am begging.
I begin to lower my voice once more. “Ella is a sweet kid and I believe you’ll be able to provide her a good home.” I look away taking deep breaths, in through my nose and out my mouth. “I will. I’m adopting 3 kids today.” He states confidently.
“3” Ms. Newman’s pitch rises.
I unconsciously put my arm in front of Ella to protect her.
“Is that a problem?” He says challenging her. For us that never ended well.
“Daisy is not up for adoption. Come here.” She demands.
I close my eyes and begin to walk forward until I feel a steady hand on my shoulder which causes me to flinch.
“I can clearly tell they are afraid of you.” I hear the front door open and three people walk in.
“Ms. Newman you are under arrest for child neglect, child abuse, and the involvement in the murder of Andrew Young and Lisa Myers.”
Once I hear those words I feel my life shatter from underneath me.
“What?” I ask more myself than anyone. Memoires of the pizzeria comes in flashes.
“No.” I gasp for air. “You- you were the one who hired them. You were the one who hired those people to spy on us. You were to one who ordered them to kill pop’s and Lisa.”
My body grows hot with anger.
“Daisy” I hear Peter’s voice from a distance. “All for what?! Was it worth it? Did you enjoy dragging me back here just to do the same bullshit once more!” I want to kill her. I want to see her blood on the-.
Just as a cord had been snapped I fall to my knees in tears.
“Why did you kill them?” I feel arms around me and automatically know who it is.
I lean into her warm hold trembling like a leaf in the wind.

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