Part 6

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The room is dark as I wake up on my bed. The sun is just staring to come up.
When did I fall asleep?
My head spins as I stand.
"What happened?" I rub my temples as I walk to the bathroom.
"Daisy don't do that again." Peter grumbles from the floor.
"Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" I go to help him up off the floor before he waves me off.
"You scared me." Peter says with his voice cracking with emotion.
Sparks of yesterday play through my mind.
I was eating breakfast with everyone then someone asked something to me. What was it they asked?
Did you sleep well?
Are you okay?
I remember after a few moments.
Then I went to my room and-
I shake my head as my body begins to shake.
I slowly walk to the bathroom and close the door.
"It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not r-eal.
"I killed them." My words fall out as more tears fall down from my face.
"Hey it's alright." Peter soon says as he grips me into a tight hug.
"I killed them Peter. It's all my fault." Tears begin to soak into his shirt but he never moves or loosens his hold on me.
"It's not your fault Days." He whispers quietly. "Just like it isn't my fault my family died also." He says as if to assure the both of us.
"If I never crossed paths with pop's he would still be here with Lisa."
Peter lets me go but holds me in place.
I look up at him and see tears falling from his face as well.
"You didn't go into their home and attack them. You did what you had to do to survive." He looks me in the eyes as he says this
I slowly nod my head as he pulls me in for another hug.
If only you knew.
I stand up and shakily walk to my room.
I grab a change of clothes before walking back in the bathroom and changing after Peter walks out.
I change into my Navy blue joggers and black long sleeve shirt.
"Where is the training room?" I ask after I braid my hair.
"You need to eat something first." Peter crosses his arms.
"I will after I train."
Peter's arms remain crossed.
"Jarvis may you direct me to the training room?"
"I advise you to eat a light snack before training." Jarvis speaks firmly.
I glance at Peter who uncrosses his arms.
"I'll eat a small fruit bowl."
Peter nods before leading the way to the kitchen.
I nearly jump out of my skin seeing Mister Stark over at the bar asleep with a glass of scotch on the table infront of him.
My heart begins to best faster.
I hold my breath and remind myself this is Mister Stark and he would never hurt me or Ella or Peter.
"Mister St-Stark." I mange to say over my fear.
He jumps straight him and glances at me with wild eyes.
"Are you okay kid?" He looks through the window at the sun barely begining to rise.
"Yeah I'm fine." I glace back at the drink on the table.
"Yeah I know." He runs a hand through his greasy hair before he gets up and pours the drink out.
"What are you and Peter doing up this early?" He places the empty glass back in it's proper spot.
"I slept all day." I answer slowly. "I came down here to eat something before training." I look over at the refrigerator for a short moment. I'm still getting used to being able to eat whenever I want.
I grab a plastic bowl and fill it with blueberries and strawberries. I grab a fork and cut half a banana into chunks and the strawberries into slices.
I pop a blueberry in my mouth as I take a seat beside Mister Stark with one chair between us.
"I don't have to worry about me... It's not worth losing sleep over." I state softly while staring at the space infront of me.
"You slept for an entire day." Mister Stark says as if he can't believe I said that.
"I'll be fine. I always will be fine. I'm not going anywhere." I find myself saying this.
I feel as if I can be completely open with him.
"Do you ever have moments where you feel as if you could have done more." I rest my chin in the palm of my hand.
"Yes. I do. Nearly everyday I have to remind myself that it isn't my fault. It's hard at times but everyone here helps me get through it."
I move to the seat beside him and set my bowl of fruit between us.
"Blueberries always help." I smile while offering to share.
Mister Stark waits a moment for me to change my mind before he tosses a blueberry in his mouth.
"Do you like engineering or mechanics?"
I nod. "Yeah I nearly built an arch reactor core but pop's and I couldn't afford the some of the parts."
I smile despite the pain I feel.
"Would you like to come to my lab?" He questions while grabbing a few blueberries.
"The one where do you build your suits and tech."
I nods "The very one." He says with some hidden excitement.
I look for Peter but he has already went upstairs.
I nod with a small smile. "Sounds fun" I stand up and follow Mister Stark down to his work shop.
When the door opens I smell metal, the faint smell of coffee, and an even fainter smell of motor oil.
I breathe it in as I sit down in a nearby chair.
"What are we building today?" Mister Stark takes a seat beside me.
I look around quietly. "I won't be able to pay you back." I admit while admiring all the tools.
"Kid don't worry about it."
Deciding on something small I open the small notepad on the table.
I draw a simple sketch before showing it to Mister Stark.
"A ring ?" He says more of questions.
I know he must think I'm crazy with all the things I could build I choose a ring.
"Nanotechnology. I- I mean we could create something that looks simple but can change into some kind of protection." I begin as I add more designs.
"Not a bad idea kid." Tony leans over closer to me as I finish sketching a rough blueprint.
"I just want to help people... So they can feel safe." I nearly trailed off before I continue speaking. "Besides. What else can I do? I'm smart I can at least-"
"We can't protect everyone but we can try to protect those who need it." He places a hand on my shoulder before looking over the blueprints.
"We should be able to make something similar." Mister Stark begins gathering supplies.
"Hey, kid. What kind of music do you like?" He calls out from across the room.
"ACDC. Ned Zeppelin. Paramore. Why?"
Mister Stark smiles when as soon as the mention of ACDC.
"Back in black. High way to hell. Thunderstruck." I name a few of the songs.
"Jarvis." Mister Stark annonces. "My playlist."
"Right way sir."
Back in black begins to play in the background as we begin to create something that could either change the world or burn the tower down in the process.

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