part 8

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I wake up to the sun in my eyes.
"I actually slept," I laugh a little as I get out of bed.
My bed- I feel asleep in the floor.
I shake my head before I shower and change into some clean clothes.
As I towel dry my hair Nat knocks on my bedroom door.
"Come in Nat," I call out.
Nat walks in and closes the door.
"I heard about last night," She starts.
"Yeah," I mumbles quietly.
I look up feeling brave. "I need answers Nat." I look her in the eye. "I need them more than ever now. What Ella heard." I gesture around the room. "I don't want any other kid to go through what I went through or-or  what Ella went through."
Nat shifts her stance.
"I know you don't but we have to think about this. We could get in trouble again with the government. Some of the people still are against us. People could get hurt if we makereckless decisions."
It takes me a moment to respond.
"Yeah, I guess your right," I toss my towel in the laundry shoot.
"Strange is downstairs," She tells me.
"Already?" I begin to braid my damp hair.
"He hasn't been here long," She assures me.
I put on a jacket over my long sleeve shirt.
"I'm ready now," I stand from my bed after I put on my socks.
Nat and I take the elevator downstairs.
I see Doctor Strange standing beside Mister Stark.
They break out of their conversation when they notice me and Nat.
I shuffle on my feet and I look down uncomfortably.
"You must be Daisy," Doctor Strange is the first to speak.
I look up and nod. "It's nice to meet you Doctor Strange."
He nods "It's nice to meet you too. Tony said you have interesting abilities."
I nod "He told you about them,"
Doctor Strange shifts his stance.
"He told me a little bit," He admits.
I clasp my hands together. "I can create protective barriers and glass-like shards for weapons." I pause a moment waiting for a reaction.
"I can also see the future and now..." I pause to look at Peter. "It's okay Daisy," he responds.
"Yesterday I saw a spirit." I say quietly as if the spirit can come here at any moment.
Mister Starks says nothing but his features do. I can tell he's upset I didn't tell him but he understands.
"It was only for a brief moment. The spirit didn't want to hurt anyone. The spirit only wanted me to see it."
Doctor Strange shifts again. "Do you know what the spirit wanted?" I hear the graveness in his tone.
"No. The spirit vanished a few moments after I saw it. It looked.... Sad," I want to know whose spirit it was.
Doctor just nods his head. "If you see the spirit again let us know immediately."
I nod.
"Good," he replies. "Can you control your visions?"
"They mostly happen when I'm sleeping," I reply.
"Mostly?" He questions.
He doesn't miss much.
"I had a lot of them the day I came here. " I admit.
"Sometimes they cause my emotions to go haywire."
I feel my face heat up in embarrassment.
"Is that what happened to your mirror?" Mister Stark asks.
I remain quiet as I look to the floor.
"I..." My voice refuses to leave me.
"So you can't control your powers." Doctor Strange says in disappointed.
I look up quickly. "My powers are getting stronger Ste- Doctor." I catch myself.
"That's no excuse," He fires back.
"You think I'm a threat. That's why you came here." My voice cracks.
Nat crosses her arms and glares coldly at the wizard.
"I don't know if you are or not."
"My powers only act out when my body can't defend myself."
"And were you in danger?"
"I-" I look down. "I had- a panic attack okay," I keep my gaze to the floor. "Only time this has ever happened."
"That's dangerous." 
"I'm getting stronger outside of my abilities."
"But it is enough," He counters.
"Yes," I state firmly.
Doctor Strange stands stunned at my boldness along with Bruce.
I resist flinching away as he places his hand on my shoulder. "I'll come back twice a week to help train you. Wanda should be able to continue the days I'm not here." Doctor Strange says as he glances at her.
"Yep. I can do that," she assures him.
"Good, I'll be back on Friday."
It's Tuesday December 6th now.
I nod.
"Good," He removes his hand. "We want you to be safe. And based on what Tony told me you have grown."
"You should be proud," he adds with a hint.
"Honestly. It's a lot. It's a lot to take in." I cross my arms. "But I'll pull through. I always do." Somehow.
"I'll be back in three days. Remember if you see the spirit let us know." Doctor Strange opens a portal and shuts it as he walks through.
"Well that was eventful." I mutter under my breath.
"Yeah your right about that," Wanda agrees  as Clint jumps down from the vents.
I look more closely at everyone and I feel a sense of dread.
They were here to protect me.
I notice Loki standing near the corner a bit pale. Thor says something to him and he nods before looking at me.
He doesn't say anything as he teleports away.
"Is he okay?" I still look at the spot Loki was just in.
"He should be," Mister Stark says causally but I see the concern in his eyes.
"I'll go check on him." I start to make my way up the stairs before anyone can stop me.
I go to knock on Loki's door when I hear a small thud come from inside.
"Loki it's me," I say in a small voice.
"Are you okay?" I wait a moment for an answer.
"Please leave," His voice shakes from the otherside of the door.
This must of brought up bad memories for him.
I sit against the door on the otherside.
"I understand how you feel." I begin while forcing myself to speak.
"You are not a monster. You're not evil." I pause a moment. "You're not a witch." I say the last part more to myself.
"I'm the God of mischief and Lies," Loki says slowly. "I caused so much pain for everyone." I feel my heart drop at how the guilt bleeds through him.
"That wasn't you and you know it," I respond while I tap my knee.
"But I-"
"-You had no control over your body Loki." I stop him.
"The Tesseract had control over you. You didn't do any of that."
"I'm a monster Daisy." His voice broken.
"Loki you are far from a monster." I say in a hushed tone.
"How do you know?" I hear his voice quiver.
"Monsters never feel bad for what they had done. Let alone the things that were out of their control."
"But it was my fault. I-" His voice breaks. "-I did that. The tesseract was mine and I-"
"You had no control over what happened just like I didn't have control when my family was killed."
My chest somewhat feels a bit lighter.
"It's the same concept compared to mine."
But I chose to kill.
Loki is silent from his room.
I sit at his door for a few hours before I stand back up.
"If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you." I stand to leave as Loki opens his door.
"Thank you," he says sincerely.
"For what?"
"For giving me hope"

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