too good to be true pt 1?- j.t

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It'd been a pretty stressful couple months for the both of you - balancing work and a functioning relationship. You were partners metaphorically and literally. You couldn't complain about not having enough time with Jason but not enough of that time was necessarily fun. Jason noticed this was bothering you and decided to take you out on a regular date. No missions, no emergencies, just the two of you. Or atleast that's what you were told was happening.

The drive there was unusually quiet, he drove but he seemed to check his phone at every stoplight. You didn't think much of it since he was a phone addict anyways. You wore (yes im choosing your outfit.) a sundress. It was a night in the summer so you figured you wouldn't get cold. You got it a while ago and never had a chance to wear it so you figured tonight would be perfect. But would tonight really be perfect? It felt too good to be true. As you neared the carnival, the memories of Jason apologizing for cancelling plans played in your head.

"Look I know we've been busy.. I'm sorry I haven't made more time for...Us. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"You're going to hate me but something came up."

He swore there would be no excuses this time and so far you hadn't heard one. You arrived at the parking lot and made your way into the carnival. As you walked together he reached for your hand with his and intertwined them.

"Alright what's wrong?" He said as you began walking towards the sea of vendors and games.

"What ever do you mean?" You shot him a look and continued walking.

"You look...Not happy." He didn't really have a proper word to describe your expression. Not content, not angry, not sad, but definitely not happy. (see 😐 for reference.)

"I thought you'd be used to my resting bitch face by now?" Did you really look unimpressed? You were happy you were spending time with him but something felt...Off.

"Something on your mind?" He said

"No...I just feel like something has to be wrong. I'm so used to you cancelling on me this just feels too good to be true."

Before you could continue speaking, his phone rang.

"Ah it's....Not important.." He almost declined the call before you stopped him.

"Just take it..You better get me the most expensive funnel cake on your way back." You kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"This is why I love you. I'll get you all the funnel cake you want after." He then wandered off the path in between two of the vendors to take the call.

You saw some games up ahead and decided to play them while you waited. You texted him where you'd be then walked away from him to another section of stands. You found a balloon popping game but before you could even walk closer to read the price you saw a person in the corner of your eye. There was a conference building near the fair plex and you spotted a man on the roof of it. You locked eyes with him and he quickly dissapeared. You couldn't tell any of their features, you just saw a dark silhouette and their shadow. You weren't on patrol...Someone else would take care of it. But what if they didn't...? You didn't have your uniform with you but you decided to investigate anyway. You made your way to the conference building and climbed the ladder to the roof. You tiptoed around and heard two voices. You hid behind a wall and peeked. The moonlight shun on the two owners of those voices....Nightwing...And Robin.. You walked out from hiding and the two were alerted for a moment before realizing it was you. Damian was on the phone so he didn't say anything but Dick walked up to you and he looked confused.

"Oh good I was wondering where you were at...Was your costume in the washer?" He surveyed you then laughed.

"What are you talking about?" You raised an eyebrow and looked at Damian who was still speaking on the phone.

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