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Hello to anyone deciding to read this! You will soon see if it is the best or worst decision you ever make, but you can only find out if you continue scrolling.

  I've had this story drafted for a while now and I'm finally getting enough confidence up to post!

  To be honest...this story will be what it'll be. That can either be a bad or a good thing. We'll see where it goes...

Anyway, feel free to comment. I would love to hear your feedback and I'm totally open to constructive criticism.

A few warnings before we start:

If a definite warning is needed for a chapter I will put it in the top as an author's note along with adding "⚠️" beside the chapter title. Please skip past chapters like these if you need to. I have a fear of readers not doing so. The warnings are there for a reason, so listen to the author. Please, I beg you.

- Some notes I forgot before. This will be an x fem reader because, to be honest, I wrote this for myself when I first started. I never imagined I would post it, much less actually stay focused long enough to actually get somewhere with it.

- Also, the blood in this will be red. Please don't hate me!!! I love the pink blood in Danganronpa! I legit call bright pink "blood-pink" because of it! I just think it'll add to the future angst if I make it red. You could always read "red" as pink if you want???

Like I said before, I don't own Danganronpa or the characters. I don't own any of the art used either. Other than that I think we're set to start reading!

  Hope you enjoy, and try your hardest to keep from falling into despair! Now that that's over, let the game begin!!!

- Blossoming Despair: Monokuma x reader -Where stories live. Discover now