Not so Trusting

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I haven't posted in two or three years, as most of you know, and I realize that. Actually...I was super super young when I was first writing this...I should probably go back and edit. My skills have definitely improved- and I'm sure my personality has too lol

Anyway- with hyperfixation and how hectic life can be, my attention was drawn elsewhere. But I am also a better and healthier person now I would say. This chapter and the next one have been sitting as drafts since forever. I thought why not post them. I went back and edited as best as I could, so hopefully I won't regret doing this...

I honestly don't know when I'll post next after these. I know I need to try and get back to this story, but at the same time my schedule doesn't leave a lot of time for me to write for fun. Taking three AP courses-...which leaves me with homework almost ever night...and I'm also fixated on yet another Disney game- because they just have to make content for every type of person!

Point is- I apologize. I don't know how things will look going forward, but I hope for the best. Gotta release the backstory I made for him (three years ago  😭) eventually.

I'll let you get to reading now. That's the reason you're here anyhow...

-Not so Trusting-

I choose to skip breakfast the next morning. I couldn't seem to find an appetite, the mangled body of Leon still flashed in my head.

Instead, I chose to sit alone in my room. It's not like any of the other students would worry enough to search for me. Why would they want to risk running into the bear?

I sighed, knowing I would spend most of the day alone. "Would it really make a difference?" I thought to myself. "He's willing to kill me whether I'm around the others or not. I see that now."

I looked around my room. Despite the hard metal plates covering the windows, it now seemed comforting. It was the only sliver of sanity I had; a dorm room with a lock on it. Funny.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

I screamed without meaning to. I turned toward the person who spoke, holding my fist up in defense.

"Feisty aren't ya? Puhuhu!" The white and blacked haired boy now sitting in front of me reached out and booped my nose.

"What do you want, Monokuma?" I grumbled, lowering my fist.

"Just wanna see my beautiful prey." He said, placing a finger under my chin.

I turned my head. "Don't touch me."

"But darling, I'm not here to hurt you. Sure it would be nice to have a taste of blood, but I don't wanna kill you." Monokuma smiled softly at me.

I glared at him in return. "So that's why you're here. You're gonna force it from me."

"What makes you think that!? I already said I don't want to hurt you."

"What's changed since the other day?" I snapped. "Never mind, I get it. You want to make friends with me so you can stab me in the back, making the pain more enjoyable or whatever-"

"Pupupu! You're still so blind!" Monokuma reached forward, ruffling my hair.

"You say that." I uttered, running my hands through my hair in an attempt to fix it.

He didn't respond. Instead he grabbed my arm, bringing it to his mouth. "I'll make you trust me." Monokuma's tone became darker, his expression becoming forceful.

"Let go." I breathed out, feeling my heart begin to involuntarily race.

"No." The simple word held so much power.

Monokuma slowly pulled my arm closer, glaring at me. I tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip. I was surprised his nails didn't break my skin.

He bit down on my arm, imprinting and tearing open its s/c surface. He then pulled away, watching as tiny droplets of red liquid dripped onto my bed. He stared longingly at it, but didn't react as he had last time. Instead, he restrained himself from taking my blood.

I watched as Monokuma bit into his lips. He seemed to be struggling to control himself, drool dripping from his lips ever so slightly.

I sighed, reaching my arm out to Monokuma. To be honest, I hated to see the torture this brang him. I knew he didn't care about the pain he had brought me and the others, but deep down I knew it wasn't fair to treat him the same way. Besides, it was quite obvious he wasn't like the rest of us. For better or worse, Monokuma was that special kind of 'different' he had mentioned in his rant.

Monokuma slowly reached out, gently grasping my arm. "Are you sure?" His tone was soft, glimmering with a fake twinge of care!

I sighed and nodded. Monokuma widened his eyes. "Thank you." He whispered, bringing my arm back up to his mouth. He then bit onto me again, though it didn't seem to hurt as bad as the first time.

Monokuma closed his eyes, sucking blood from my wound. I sat there quickly as he did so, waiting for him to finish.

A minute or so later I began to feel light headed.His eyes met mine and he slowly pulled away. He then rubbed his thumb against my arm. A drop of blood fell from the corner of Monokuma's lips.

"Thank you." He said again, smiling at me warmly. "I apologize for not asking last time. I just couldn't seem to control myself." He snickered at his last few words, though there was a hint of sincerity in his voice.

"It's..." I stopped myself. It wasn't fine. It wasn't even close to fine!


Monokuma bounced in his seat, smiling and laughing innocently. "It's been since I accidentally bit you last time that I've had any food at all. Out of respect for the bodies of course."

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing, nothing! Just, you know...respect for the dead and's important I guess...and whatever." He trailed off toward the end, trying too hard to show he didn't care.

There was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence between the two of us. Monokuma scooted closer to me, reaching to grab my hand. I pulled away, glaring at him. Monokuma tried again, this time reaching faster. I, in turn, slapped the top of it.

Monokuma laughed. "I tried."

"Shut up." I uttered,

Monokuma lashed out, grabbing my cheeks. He forced me to face him, our faces mere inches apart.

"Don't tell me what to do. You're lucky I don't slit your throat right now, for slapping my hand." He smirked. "You'd taste great with a little butter."

The color drained from my face. What little sympathy I had felt for him once again soured.

He leaned forward again, now whispering in my ear. "Of course I'm only joking. I would never want to harm you, my darling." I closed my eyes tightly, the feeling of sandpaper rubbing against my cheek. I wanted to vomit.

Monokuma pulled away once again, standing to leave. "There's no need to be afraid. The smell of fear radiant from you." He opened the door slowly, glancing back in my direction.

  "If I was going to kill you, it would already be done."

A/n: I went back and saw where autocorrect turned the word "Torment" into "Tournament" on the chapter before this. Definitely need to go back and edit- also my 83rd reason to hate autocorrect- I hated this chapter when I first wrote it, so tell me your thoughts- how do you feel about it? Be brutally honest, I will take no offense. As I said, I was so young when I wrote this- some of the oneshots (not all) I went back and edited to see I used the same word in some scenarios more than once to describe certain topics- and then the autocorrect thing- point is, I thought it was way better than it was back then. But still had totally anxiety and feared for my life when posting. Legit me now (still) except I'm willing to add these two drafts just because's content and B.that's what past me would have and should have done wayyy before now-

Anyway- hope you enjoyed. I'll need to refill the desert buffet at the end of this chapter- the cookies have gone stale...probably tastes like cafeteria food...

Words: 1420

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