A Meeting Served with Breakfast

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A/n: two chapters in a day. I hate editing-

-A meeting Served with Breakfast-

I woke up to the sound of Monokuma's voice. The monitor in my room lit up, sounding that it was 7:00 in the morning.

I quickly got up and dressed. I heard a knock at the door soon after I had finished my morning routine. I walked over to it with a sigh, opening it to see Ishimaru.

"Good morning Y/n! I have come to inform you that we have planned, as a class, to have a meeting in the cafeteria. I was hoping you would join us." He said with a nod.

"Alright, I'll be right there." I responded, smiling.

Ishimaru nodded again before running off to inform the other students.

I found my way to the cafeteria where Togami, Kirigiri, and Makoto already sat. I decided to sit next to Makoto. He was the only person I really knew.

Soon, the other students made their way into the room. Ishimaru stood to signal the start of the meeting.

"As you may know, many of us spent our time searching around the school yesterday. I thought it would be a good idea to share our findings and collaborate on this predicament we find ourselves in." He stated. Mondo stood from his seat, an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"So you're tellin' me that the class really didn't plan this? You got me up from bed just ta drag me to this damn meeting? Better yet, a meeting that no one asked for?!" He shouted, angry as always. Kirigiri then spoke up.

"It may be true that we didn't plan this as a class, but it's the most logical thing to do."

"Yes, I do believe she's right. Collaborating as a whole will reveal an answer faster than if we were to look alone." Celeste added.

"That settles it then. I will speak first on the matter due to the fact that I planned this meeting. I found that we all have select rooms. Each one has a bathroom, though they don't appear to have locks."

"That's not true!" Makoto stood from his seat beside me. "The girls' rooms have locks. Monokuma told me yesterday when I was in my room." The boy retook his seat after speaking.

"Yes, the beds are very nice. Well, other than the furnished cameras of course." Hifumi stated.

"I- I saw that the kitchen has plenty of food. Monokuma told me that it's re-stalked daily." Chihiro pointed out.

"There's an incinerator at the end of one of the hallways. It's blocked off at the moment though." I mentioned.

"So you're gonna burn one of us alive then?!?!" Toko pointed a finger at me.

"No, I was just pointing out that it was there. Isn't that what we're doing here?" I sighed.

"I have the key to the incinerator!" Hifumi gave a triumphant smile. I didn't see why that was such a grand thing, but we went with it anyway.

"There are many blocked-off areas in the school. I'm guessing they may be opened later on." Kirigiri stated. A voice came from the entrance of the room.

"If you wanna see what's on the other side of the ropes, look no further! After a student becomes 'blackened' and fails to get away with it, I'll open a new area! Question is, who's gonna jump on that opportunity?!?!" There was a pause. "What? Not enough motivation for ya? Believe me, I can find something to get the ball rollin', just give me some time m'kay?" Monokuma smiled at us students.

"You're crazy!" Leon shouted at him.

"Crazy? Not crazy! I just wanna see you fall into despair! Is that too much to ask?" The boy said, coming to the table. He stopped at the opposite end from where Ishimaru stood.

"It can't be that bad. This is your second day, but the conclusion has got ta hit ya at some point! The only way out of this is murder; like I said before. Either that or live here forever, and I don't wanna have to deal with you brats the rest of my life." Monokuma placed his hands on the table.

"So who's it gonna be? Who will be first to pull the trigger? To break the rules? Come on, I wanna know!"

"What makes you think any of us will do that?" Leon shouted back.

"Hey! You're right! As I said before, motivation will get the ball rolling! Thanks for the idea! Just so you know, the next kid to die 'll be on your hands!" Monokuma said before skipping out of the room.

Everyone was silent the moments after he left. "Motivation? What does he mean by that?" I asked myself. I felt a chill run down my spine at even the thought of it.

Celeste was first to break the silence. "The only way for any of us to survive this is to adapt. Those who can't are sure to perish." Her words only added to the intensity of the room.

"Damn kid...screw this, I'm leaving." Mondo stood, walking out as he said the words.

"Yeah, I think I'm done too." Leon pitched in. Ishimaru stopped the two.

"Wait! How about we have another meeting tonight? We can eat dinner here together! How about eight? It gives us plenty of time before curfew!" He offered.

Everyone agreed to the proposition before leaving. I stayed for a few moments before exiting as well. When I walked out of the room I saw Makoto waiting for me.

"Hey, Y/n!" He said with a smile.

"Hi." I greeted back.

"That was a lot, wasn't it. What the headmaster said? You don't believe any of it...right?" He asked.

"I mean...maybe? Let's talk about something else. What about...your favorite color!" I proposed.

"Alright sure, mine's red. You can probably tell. And yours is-?"

"I like f/c (too!/.That's just me though.) I said with a smile. We were silent for a few moments before Makoto spoke up.

"You have a cute smile!" He blurted. I watched as his cheeks became red with embarrassment. "Hope that didn't sound weird or anything...I just...like it?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Y-y-you're fine." I stuttered. "Sorry I'm laughing, it's just, what you said isn't the slightest bit true!"

"No no! You have a great smile!" Makoto smiled now too. Despite all the troubles we were facing, he continued to be happy. I admired that.

"Wanna walk me back to my room?" I asked.

"Uh, sure. I was headed to mine anyway."

We continued to talk on the way to the dorms. After a while, we departed, and I found myself laying across my bed, alone in my room. I didn't know how to feel or what to think. All I knew was that I couldn't stop smiling. It was the happiest I had felt my entire time at Hope's Peak- the two days in which I'd lived here.

A/n: Sorry if you don't like Makoto-? I have plans I swear! This is only the start of a long journey. I mean, we don't even have motives yet!

Anyway, not the point here. The next chapter should be good I think. If I remember correctly, it's the one I've been putting these two off for.

I hope you enjoyed! Like seriously- tell me if you didn't. That can help me to better my work in the future! Feel free to point out mistakes as well.

I hope you have a good rest of your day/night! Until next chapter-

Word count: 1280

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