The Game Begins

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A/n: To the picture? Same.

The Game Begins

I woke up alone in a dark empty classroom. It was my first day, how could I have fallen asleep?

  I rushed to my feet, feeling dizziness overtake me. The whole room spun as I tried to balance myself. I then shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

  When I finally regained composure, I looked around the room. Metal plates covered the windows. The only light came from an open door near the front.

  I slowly walked over to it, curiosity getting the best of me. The door led into a long hallway in which other classes lined.

  I continued walking, having no clue where I was supposed to go. There was no list for classes and no teacher to ask for instruction.

  I looked into each room as I passed. "There has to be someone here, right?" I questioned silently.

  The hallway continued to stretch in the same direction, the consistency making it seem even longer.

  I jumped at the sound of an intercom. A playful and cheery voice echoed down the halls. "All students report to the gymnasium for the welcome orientation!"

With a sigh, I continued the same path, turning when I reached the end. Before long I stood in front of the gym, almost as if I already knew the way.

  There were other kids standing in groups around the open room. A stage was placed at the front.

  Many of the kids turned when I entered. A blonde with glasses was the first to speak. "Another student I see." Then muttering under his breath. "Another person I will soon surpass."

  I slowly made my way to the center of the room. The first person to come up to me was a cheery brown-headed girl.

   "Hi! I'm Asahina! I'm so very glad to meet you! Hey, maybe after this we can go get some donuts or something!" She shouted with a smile.

  "My name is Y/n. Glad to meet you too-"

  "Oh and that's Sakura! The pissy blonde-haired guy's Togami. That's Junko. And that's Maizono!" She continued to list off the names of each student. It was obvious that she planned on befriending them all.

  "And finally, that's Hifumi!" She ended with a sigh.

  "Better than me having to talk to everyone I guess..." I thought to myself.

  As the last student walked in, me being the second to last, a loud screech was heard from the stage.

  "Testing! Mic check! One two one two! Can all of you hear me okay on this thing?"

   A boy, being around our age, appeared on the stage. He smiled widely at the gathered students. Bear-like ears sat atop his head, and the very tip of his nose was colored black. He had split hair and separate colored eyes. His left being of black hair and one red eye, and his right being white hair and one gray eye. The outfit he wore was coordinated in the same colors. A white button-down, a black and white jacket with the same split, and long black shorts. The look was brought together with knee-high socks of the separate colors, the white on being rolled lower than the black. The strings of his shoes were the only colors switched to the opposite sides. It looked as if a five-year-old had picked his outfit.

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