A/N (im probably not abandoning this fic)

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Sorry to the ppl that thought this was going to be a new chapter.

Just wanted to say that I probably won't be updating with new chapters (unless i hv a gd chapter idea) until I rewrite some of the chapters I am not happy with.

I don't know when I gonna finish editing it or when I will start editing but it's gonna happen.

This fic is way too unrealistic lol. I can't even read it myself without cringing sometimes.

Not knowing how to improve my writing is really driving me insane as well.

Going to correct and hopefully improve some parts.

Also going to be working on the plot (not that there is one honestly) and coming up with content and ideas.

I know this fic is messy as heck but I blame that on this being my first fanfic.

Anyways, I've been freaking out over the fact that this fic has gotten way more attention than I thought it ever would so that's cool.

Thanks for reading:)

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