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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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The massive black dragon gasped for air as her death spasms tore through her again. The Enderman were gathered around her, but could not help as her heart began to slow.

    The dragon wished that they could understand her. She needed them to know that her egg-

    Her thoughts broke off as another bout of bloody coughing clawed at her lungs.

    One of the enderman, the green eyed one that seemed to be the leader, made a tsk tsk noise and said something to the others in Enderian, the enderman language. Another enderman nodded and made its way towards her nest. The dragon tried to growl a warning, but it dissolved into more coughing.

    The enderman came back with her egg on a cart, and the dragon attempted to move toward it, but collapsed again when her legs buckled under her weight.

    One of the purple eyed enderman glared at her attempt to get to her egg, so she snorted the best poison cloud she could and gave him a green glare of her own.

    The enderman glanced away quickly and instead turned his eyes on her egg. His expression of hunger made her want to claw his face off.

    Don't fight over it, she thought desperately at the enderman leader, praying for him to see the purple eyed one. It will only make things worse.

    She knew the story her mother told her about her hatching, how she only let the king enderman get close to her egg, so she was then a green-eyed dragon. But it didn't seem like she'd get to choose that for her egg.

    Normally Ender Dragons have very long lives, but she'd accidentally hit one of the end crystals with her tail, causing it to blow up in a massive magenta fireball, then she crashed here. Apparently she wouldn't die peacefully in her sleep like her mother, but that would also mean she couldn't choose for the endermen who would get to have her egg. And judging by the looks of it, the purple ones really wanted to have it.

    The dragon felt her breathing slow and her vision become fuzzy as she came to the end of her time. So in one massive effort, she called up her final strength to try to warn the endermen of what to do.

"Don't fight!" She gasped. "Let the egg choose! Don't fight-"

And the world spun into darkness.

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Welcome to Enderwalk! This is my version of Ranboo's past, and I hope you enjoy!

Word count - 403

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