Part 10

122 7 3

Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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The pain was all that was Ranboo's world.

It was the worst pain he had ever experienced. More than that time he stubbed a toe as a toddler, more than the pain of Mikale's 'betrayal'. Even more than the pain of listening to his parents' deaths, knowing he could've done something.

He was screaming.

The pain was blistering across the left side of his face, at least eight times worse than the worst pain he had ever even dreamed of. His eye was even worse than that.

His hand shot up to his face, as if that would help. But surprisingly, it did. His face was still on fire, and the burn probably would have been a lot worse if he hadn't smothered it.

So. Good news, his face stopped burning. Bad news, now his face and his hand hurt.

Hand back at his face, and through the haze of the pain Ranboo realized it felt different. It felt... crumbled. Flakey. Charred.

His mirror confirmed it.

The left side of his face was completely white. Really like a charred grayish-white. The delirious side of his brain thought. With darker streaks where it didn't burn as bad.

And his eye was bloodshot, a bright, bloody red color.

The other side of his brain, the logical side, was fighting with itself. Run! Stay! Fight!

Ranboo clutched the windowsill. He had to stay awake. Had to stay alive.

But it was hard. It was so hard to not just close his eyes and be done with it. His scream cut short, his breath choking on itself, and only then did he realize it had only been a few moments since he had been hit.

"It's too late, Ranboo." Servi said smugly. "I won."

Then she started towards him, blade in her hand, ready to finish what she had started.

Too late, too late. The strings played again.

But Ranboo wasn't pulling the strings anymore.

Mikale was.

He got there first.

Face a shadow of rage, purple eyes flaring, and he had the better weapon.

Mikale threw the end crystal, hitting Servi straight in the face.

As the protective shield around the crystal shattered, all the pink energy inside the shell burst out. He saw that the flames and the heat came first, catching most of the room on fire, but the crystal wasn't done.

Time seemed to slow, Servi was gone, but Ranboo could almost see the impending doom that loomed over him.

He heard the strings again. This time they didn't speak. This time they sounded like a guitar.

This time they played one, sad sounding chord.

E minor, the chord of fate.

Then the blast wave hit him.

And he was falling, falling, falling. Away from the window, away from life.

Then Mikale was up there. He was screaming at Ranboo, something about pearls?

Ranboo remembered. He clutched the blue-green sphere close to his head, along with the box his father had given him, and thought as hard as he could about the Tales of the Overworld that every young enderman knew.

He thought about the grass, the sweet smelling air, the lakes and rivers and oceans. He thought about the trees, the different foods, animals, everything that made the overworld, well, the overworld.

And everything faded to black.

For a few moments, nothing happened and Ranboo thought that he must be dead, but a fresh burst of air and a light brighter than he'd ever seen burst out of the darkness.

Ranboo couldn't believe it. He'd made it! He felt so happy that he was sure his chest was going to burst.

Too late. The strings hummed.

Why? Ranboo thought. Then he realized.

He was still falling, and the ground was seconds away.

Quick thinking, even through the pain of his face, is what saved him.

He saw a river near the spot that he would land, so he angled his body to catch the wind and lead him to the water. He would be fine, surely. All he had to do was get to the water, and the water was practically below him now.

Too late. The strings chimed.

Then pain exploded from the back of his head, and the world plunged into darkness.

* * *

Eight is my favorite number.

Sorry for uploading late. It completely spaced my mind then I had to wait until I was back on wifi.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

Word count - 705

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