Part 5

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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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Ranboo woke early that morning so he could clean his room. He had stayed there (intentionally) after the exchange with his mom, taking notes about what he knew about the purple eyes, what they might be planning, and why, if they did, want a war.

His dad came home soon after his mom (Ranboo knew because he had come out for a snack break). Ranboo's father looked so tired, and Ranboo thought he went to bed immediately after dinner, which was unusual for him.

Apart from that, Ranboo had not thought up much that he knew about purple eyes and he wished that he could ask his dad more about them, but Ranboo didn't think he should rouse him.

He also decided that he would take a nap, because he didn't get enough sleep the night before and he felt like his eyelids were holding up bricks. Ranboo curled up on his bed, closed his eyes, and pretty much instantly fell asleep.

His dreams were haunted by smiley faces with purple eyes, the feeling of falling, and goats. The smile was playing him. Torturing him. Although it was the falling that made Ranboo want to scream, but his scream was caught in his throat. He didn't know where goats came in, but they were there, watching him with cold, dead eyes...

The worst dream he's had in a long time.

When he woke he scrambled for a notebook to write it down in. He normally doesn't do this, but there was something about purple eyes....

He had literally just finished writing it when the doorbell rang and he remembered that Mikale was coming. Ranboo sprinted to the door and flung it open to find Mikale grinning ridiculously, with no bandage on his hand any more, Ranboo noticed.

"Hi." Mikale said. "It's been a while since I've come over. How are you?"

"I'm good. But I did have a weird dream...." Ranboo proceeded to tell him about the dream while leading Mikale to his room.

"Anyway I think it means something, but I have absolutely no idea what." Ranboo said dejectedly, slumping down on his bed.

"I think it means that the purples are going to try to revolt." Mikale said seriously.

"But why? What would they have to revolt for?"

"They want the dragon." Mikale's purple eyes bore deep into Ranboo's green ones.

"That's what my dad thought... but he wasn't sure if it was true." Ranboo thought for a second. "Wait, how do you know about it?"

"I heard my parents talking. But don't worry. I'm on your side, Ranboo."

Ranboo smiled. "Thanks."

"Oh and by the way, were you up late writing all of this?" Mikale asked curiously.

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"You spelled your name wrong here." He said, holding up one of Ranboo's sheets of paper from the night before. "You wrote a 'd' instead of a 'n'.

"So it spells... Radboo." Ranboo looked up. "I swear I didn't do that on purpose."

Mikale was too busy laughing to care. "Alright, Radboo!"

Ranboo sighed. This was going to be his new name for at least a few months. "You know when we were talking on the bus and Servi interrupted us?"


"What were you going to say about your hand?"

"Oh right! The nurse had said something about the pencil being tipped in ender dragon poison. She thought she got it all cleaned out, but she wanted me to rest in case some was left. If I got active it might have made the poison spread faster." Mikale explained.

Ranboo was dumbfounded. "But that could kill someone. And Servi threw it at me!"

Mikale's eyes widened with realization.

"If that little pencil of death had hit me in the face, the nurse or the hospital wouldn't have been able to stop the poison without severe damage to my face! I would have died! There's no way that was an accident!" Ranboo ranted, pacing the room.

"You're right." Mikale whispered. "She's in the revolution."

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Anyone guess it?

Sorry for uploading later than normal... Thanksgiving break threw off my timing!

Word count - 669

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