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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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Ranboo found himself in complete blackness. Nothing was different besides the fact that he could remember everything. He remembered about his father, Mother, the revolution, the strings, Mikale, even before he hatched. He also remembered things from recently, like Tubbo, Michael, and everyone from the SMP. He even remembered the kind farm people who taught him English.

His enderwalks were a place for him to have all of his memories. He couldn't remember any of it when he woke up, but he was grateful for what he had here and now.

Sometimes the universe decided to show him things. Things that he couldn't have learned any other time. Like last enderwalk he learned that Mikale was well and finally got a job as a doctor, but missed Ranboo terribly.

This time, it looked like the gods had something else to show him.

Ranboo saw himself get blown out of his bedroom window. He saw Mikale screaming to use the pearl. He saw himself clutch the pearl to his chest and disappear. All within a few moments, though it felt like all eternity when it happened.

Then there were voices. Ranboo turned around to see two enderman ghosts watching the scene.

"So he actually managed to teleport to the overworld, didn't he?" Said the first.

"Yes and he shouldn't." The second one hissed. "It would have been fine if he were a purple eye, but now the pearl will forever have hold on his soul."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that even though the pearl is broken, it will always have a grip on Ranboo's soul. It will always be able to control him."

"What will it do?"

"It will, every once in a while, probably more at first, make Ranboo go into some sort of sleep. In the sleep Ranboo will dream, but they will be more realistic. He could learn things, but the pearl will move his body. It will try to get back to the End"


"It will guide him to the portal. Once he reaches the End, he will be cured and never have another enderwalk again."

"So why don't pearls do it to purple eyes?"

"Because it came from a purple eye. Purple eyes are resistant to the effects of a pearl."

The first enderman turned back to the scene. "Why would Mikale give it to Ranboo?"

The enderman that did most of the explaining floated closer. "Poor Mikale didn't know. Those idiot teachers forgot to mention that even though it works for all endermen, green eyes can only get away from it consequence free if they stay in the End."

The first enderman looked back down at the genocide happening before them. "Ranboo will be the only green eye left." It whispered.

The memory faded. Ranboo, back in the pitch black darkness, couldn't believe what he just heard. Reach the end?! He thought. DreamXD won't let anyone in the End!

The dark pieces of the enderwalk started falling apart, until they finally shattered.


Ranboo opened his eyes. He was in the same clearing as before, oak trees looming over him and the flowers.

He sighed. I should probably get back home. It's nearly dark.

Ranboo started to walk home, and couldn't help but smile at the thought of getting to see Tubbo angry that 'he missed dinner again' and 'had to put it off' and 'next time I'll just let your food get cold'.

He stopped for a moment, thinking, then ran back to the clearing and picked a few flowers. Maybe Tubbo would spare Ranboo some anger in exchange for his favorite flowers.

We'll have to see. Ranboo thought. Or maybe I'll just have to keep bringing his sorry face flowers.

He laughed. It would probably always be that way.

His thoughts were confirmed when he saw Tubbo's face. His goat ears flicked, annoyed.

Yup. He thought. It was always meant to be.

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Did you guys like the enderwalk theory?

OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR UPLOADING LATE AGAIN!! Also thank you so much for reading! I'm definitely going to upload more stories soon... Would you guys like a sneak peek of one of them?

Word count - 651

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