Part 4

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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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The rest of the day flew by like a chorus fruit plant in a growth spurt (fast!). One moment he was walking back to class, and the next he was boarding the end ship with Mikale. They sat back in their seat, which was closer to the back but still in the middle.

Ranboo did a quick glance around to make sure nobody could hear them, then he said "Hand still hurting?"

"Yeah." Mikale responded. "I think I know why- the milk was sour."


Then Ranboo saw her. Servi was coming down the aisle and into earshot. She looked so angry, that if endermen had fiery capabilities, steam would have been coming out of her nose, ears, and any other holes on her face.

She sat down in the seat in front of them and opened a notebook. Servi flipped through the pages, pretending to read. No doubt she was listening to what they were saying.

"So I had already poured the milk in my cereal when I looked at the expiration date." Mikale said hastily.

"Really? Then what?" Ranboo asked, actually intrigued now.

"It was a few days expired, so I did the smell test." Mikale continued.

"Was it bad?"

"Oh my gods, yes. It was so bad I wanted to throw up right there."

"So the whole bowl of cereal was bad now?"

"Yes! And I had even made sure that I had lots of marshmallows in it!"

"Oh my gods." Ranboo said, dumbfounded.

"I was so sad...." Mikale whimpered, exaggerating his misery. "I had to throw it out, and no one understood!"

"Wow. How could they?!" Ranboo laughed.

They spent the rest of the ride home sharing stories about misfortunes like that. Servi was still listening to them, so Ranboo and Mikale had a silent agreement to talk about it, whatever 'it' maybe, tomorrow.

When they reached Mikale's stop, Ranboo waved. "Bye! See you tomorrow! Talk more then!"

He heard a muffled noise from in front of him. Was it his imagination or did Servi just curse? And if she did, why?

The rest of the ride was stressful, suspicious, and curious. He couldn't stop thinking that Servi had wanted to hear something more valuable than Mikale's expired milk incident.

When he reached home, he charged through the door, plopped on the couch, and proceeded to eat a snack. Only then did he realize there was no one in the house except him.

He finished his snack uneasily and looked around the house for any signs that anyone had been here since this morning.

There were none.

He collapsed on the couch once more and opened a book, wishing with all his might that any other living force was there.

Around 5:45 his mom finally arrived. She must have come straight home from work, because she still had the acrid scent of the hospital on her.

"Hey honey!" She came straight over to him, even though he could tell she was exhausted. "How was school?"

Ranboo sighed. "Not as good as usual. Servi was causing trouble."

His mom frowned, probably remembering when Servi had gone to the hospital during her work hours due to Servi hitting her head on the cafeteria floor, due to her slipping. "Oh, I hope she calms down." She said. "It's not natural for someone to be that angry."

"Yeah." He looked up at her. "Why are you home later than normal?"

"Hospital's backed up. There's been an order of extra materials to heal wounds. It's weird, there's not many endermen even in the hospital and it seems like we're preparing for a war-" She cut herself off, hearing what just came out of her mouth.

"War...." Ranboo murmured, thinking.

"You don't need to worry, Ranboo. It's probably just a precaution."

"Yeah. Probably."

* * *

Here you go. I hoped you liked that little story of the sour milk, because I actually suffered from it. This really happened to me, I just poured a bowl of Lucky Charms when I realized the milk had expired, and, well... you know what happened after that.

I also said 'gods' because I assumed that in the world of minecraft there are multiple that they believe in, like the mobs might consider Notch and Jeb (and more) as gods. Don't come after me! It's just a thought.

Word count - 633

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