Part 1

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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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When Ranboo first clambered out of his egg, he had not been daunted by the other 5 endermen in the room. In fact, he believes that he had actually growled at one of the other little ones, which would explain why Servi didn't like him very much.

But that was about 15 years ago. Ranboo was now one of the best enderman in the whole city. His dad had said so.

And his dad did know that. Because he was the king of all endermen. He praised Ranboo when he got As on tests in school, he made sure no one was mean to him, and he always was there when Ranboo needed him.

His mother loved him just as much. If not more, she would tease. She always had time for him and made plenty of food at dinnertime.

He thought his life was pretty good.

Ranboo was smarter than the average enderman, and had exquisite memory. He could remember things that happened from before he hatched, whereas most of the friends he asked couldn't even remember anything from when they hatched.

Anyway before he hatched it was really just dark, cramped, and boring. Not like his life outside of the egg, where he had school, friends, and a whole city to explore!

He was sneaking back into his family's rooms when he heard his parents' hushed whispers coming from the kitchen.

"... trouble from them, but it sounds like they're looking for it." hissed Ranboo's mother's voice.

"I don't want any unnecessary casualties while I'm king." His father whispered back. "I don't know what to do about this. If there's war there will be deaths, but I don't want to fight them."

Ranboo's curiosity got the best of him. "Who do you not want to fight?" He asked, stepping into the room.

Both his mom and dad jumped. "Ranboo!" His mom said, surprised. "How much did you hear?"

"From the point where you said 'trouble from them'. But who do we not want to fight?"

His parents exchanged glances, then his dad shrugged and said, "The purple eyes."

"But why do they want to fight us?"

"We think it's because they want to have the new dragon for themselves. They want it to be purple eyed instead of green like the last dragon."

"Why do the eye colors change?" Ranboo asked.

"They change depending on what colored eyes the enderman that's at the hatching has. It's with dna particles floating through the air or something..." His dad responded.

"But who decides who-"

"Is at the hatching? Usually the parent dragon decides, but now the endermen have to because the dragon died sooner than expected."

"That's a light way to put it." said his mom grimly, who was a healer. "It was horrible."

There was a moment of silence, then his dad said "I think you should go to bed now, Ranboo."

Ranboo hesitated. "Okay."

He walked up the stairs, his mind whirling with information and questions. What would happen if they did go to war? What if they tried to make a purple eye king? Why can't they just live in peace together?

Ranboo didn't think he would sleep that night.

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Cliffhanger! Sorry (not) ....

Word count - 532

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