Part 9

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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

* * *

Ranboo was falling. Everything he loved was gone, and he was about to follow.

His parents, his tribe, and now Mikale, his best friend.

He couldn't believe it. It had to be a dream. There was no way Mikale would betray him. He had said so himself.

But he did. Ranboo, limp with shock, was staring at the three endermen with glaring, purple eyes about to kill him.

Ranboo dropped the end crystal, luckily, on his bed, fingers failing him. He would fight them, obviously, but could he bring himself to harm Mikale? He had to. There was no other path. The strings were tied off.

His story was finished.

Ranboo could feel the burning tears in his eyes, but he wouldn't let himself down now. He would go down fighting.

Servi gave a laugh. "You know Ranboo, you're weak. You've always been weak. It's all you ever were, and all you are. You're just as weak as your parents. It wasn't hard, you know, to kill them. Barely put up a fight"

Ranboo choked in rage. "I'll kill you!" He cried.

Servi laughed again. "Give it your best shot, you little-"

Ranboo shoved her to the ground before she could finish whatever horrible thing she was about to say. Mikale and his father were slow to react, so Ranboo had a few seconds at most to fight, before his last moments were cut off.

He lunged, trying to hit Mikale on the back of his knee where it would knock him down, but his still-numb hand missed and instead fell just short of where he was aiming for, hitting Mikale's leg.

Ranboo didn't expect anything to happen, besides being in a 3v1 battle, but surprisingly Mikale yelped, then stumbled. Legs crumpling beneath him, Mikale fell against his father, sending him stumbling as, cursing, he hit the threshold of the window. Mikale's father had to sit down on the sill to avoid falling off.

But Mikale was still falling, continuing to stumble backwards toward his father. Ranboo could only watch in shock as Mikale slammed into the leader of the revolution, knocking him out of the window. Falling toward his death.

Immediately after, Mikale grabbed an endstone shovel his father had dropped and whacked Servi, who was getting up, on the side of her head with the flat of the shovel. As expected, Servi crumbled to the floor, unconscious.

Mikale looked at Ranboo, breathing heavily.

Ranboo looked back at Mikale, hardly breathing at all.

Mikale sighed. "So I'm guessing things can't be the same ever again?"

"You think?!"

Mikale flinched. "Sorry."

"Mikale!" Ranboo clutched his head. "You just said that you were on their side, then you go knocking them out of windows and hitting them with shovels and betraying them as well as me, and... and..."

"I was pretending!" Mikale cried, eyes starting to glisten with tears. "It was the only way I could save you!"

"What-?" Ranboo started.

"I was never on their side! I never will be! When will you finally get that through your thick skull, Ranboo?!"

Ranboo recoiled, mind whirling. He stared at Mikale's tear stained, no, scarred face, unable to believe what just happened in these last few minutes. "What are we going to do?" He whispered.

"You have to get out of here." Mikale said. "They'll kill you if you don't."

"And you?"

"I don't know... I still want to be a doctor, but I don't want to leave you!" Mikale dropped the shovel and clutched his head, as if he had a headache.

Ranboo could practically see the two strings before him. He could almost see himself pulling one of them, and it would destroy Mikale, as in death. The other one would too, but only emotionally.

But Ranboo couldn't see which one would do what. All he could see were the possibilities. This was Mikale's fate, and it was resting in Ranboo's hands.

He picked one and pulled.

"You stay here, Mikale." Ranboo said. "I'll be fine."

He blinked. "What?"

"Stay here. Become a doctor. Fulfil your dreams."

"But what about you?"

"Like I said, I'll be fine." Ranboo breathed in as much as he could. "Like you said, it was never meant to be."

"Are you sure-"


"Really sur-"

"Yes! Mikale, I'll be fine."

"Alright." Mikale responded. "Good luck."

"Wait. Two more things. What about your father? Couldn't he just teleport away from death?"

"No." Mikale said, voice quivering. "It's too far to teleport to the sides, and there was water below. He couldn't have survived."

"Okay." Ranboo said. "And two... how do I escape? Where do I go?"

"Oh! Take this." Mikale gave him another small thing about the size of his palm. Ranboo looked, and this time it was a small, blue-green orb with a darker spot inside of it.

"It's an ender pearl." Mikale said. "The core of a purple eyed enderman. Some of the Scouts told us that players will use them to teleport. You throw them and they will carry your life force with them until they break, releasing you somewhere else."

Ranboo looked at him, confused. "But how am I supposed to teleport out of this realm?"

Mikale smiled. "That's the thing. They work differently for endermen than players. If you just concentrate hard enough, and want it or need it enough, it will take you anywhere."

"So I can escape."

"Yeah! It's hard, but you can do it."

Ranboo walked over to the window, brushing the sill with his hand. "Alright Mikale. I'll meet you again someday. And when we do-"

He broke off, looking at Servi.

She was alive, fully conscious, and she had something in her hand.

A fireball.

Gathered from the hell-like Nether, extremely hard to achieve, and yet Servi got one.

"Ranboo...?" Mikale asked, unaware of the danger.

Servi aimed.

"On the ground!" Ranboo shrieked, and dropped.

Mikale flung himself to the ground, near Ranboo's bed.

And Servi threw.

A bit too late, Ranboo realized she was aiming for him.

Too late, too late, to late. The strings seemed to chime. You chose wrong.

Then the pain.

* * *

I think you guys know what I'm implying here. Also I totally would pretend to betray my best friend in order to save them. That was a clever move worthy of a fox, Mikale!

OMG Thank you so much for 70 reads! You guys are awesome <3

Word count - 1019

EnderwalkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora