Blast Off! Rush Launch!

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A/n:Sorry for not updating! I'll be skipping Ken and Valt's battle.

"Valt Aoi gains two points and wins! 2 to 1!"

"Victory Valtryek has beaten the odds with an incredible finish!" Hanami announced.
"How'd that happen?" Toko asked confused yet it went away as he smiled. "That's my big brother!" Toko yelled with such enthusiasm.

"Yey you won!" Nika chimed, "Wow I don't believe it you beat him! Glad your big head didn't get in the way." Honcho exclaimed.
"He knows when to focus when it matters the most, I'm impressed. I knew it , he does have a special bond with that Bey." Shu said as the petite girl beside him replies.

"It's Valt who we're talking about , He wouldn't give up easily." Y/n said calmly as she claps for her friend's match.

"Thank you Valtryek" Valt said , as if the bey replied back , he replied with a shine.
"We did it!" Valt yelled.

"Valt Aoi is moving to the next round! Congratulations well played!"

Ken is on his knees holding his Bey pieces and muttered to himself. "We lost..My Kerbeus lost.."
he looks as his Bey "Valt is one tough opponent." He thought to himself he then growled and looked at Valt with hatred.

But that didn't last long as Valt takes his hand out , Ken who noticed the gesture looked confused.

"Nice match shake on it?" Valt asked shining while his hands is out Keru then replies, "What? Shake hands? What makes you think we should shake hands with you?!" Keru complained.

"Nu uh never gonna shake hands with you" Besu chimed in But Valt being Valt he doesn't take a No as an answer "Dont be so shy." Valt said smiling.

he accidentally takes of Besu, You can hear Keru let out a sqeaul.
"Woah..Cool! I see so that's how a puppet works!" He exclaimed putting on the puppet on his hands.

"Knock it off! What do you think your doing?! Give Besu back" As Ken tries to take his puppet back, "Come on what's the big deal?" Valt said dodging Ken

"Stop it!" Keru replied mad, "When I'm done!" Valt said dodging more as he laughs.

"Hahaha! This thing is awesome!"Valt exclaimed, "Give him back!"

"So uh what exactly are they doing up there" Toko deadpanned, "Looks like they're playing"

Toko smiles and replied "I guess that means they're already friends!"
"Valt's the best at making friend wherever he goes!"Nika replied.

"Y'know coming to think of it.."Y/n trailed off as both Honcho and Shu looks at her with confused gazes.

"Eh.. nevermind !" While the Boys could only sweatdropped. What they failed to notice was how the girl frowned but soon smiled again.

"Hehe!" Valt chuckled, "You really had us worried for a moment there kid." Honcho said.
Valt replied back "I was trying so hard to make the launch look cool I put too much muscle into it"

"Good job but we've certainly got to find you a cool new move you know spice it up I can help as an artist I have a certain flow." Rantao said, "What are you trying to say Honcho?! Seriously not all of us can pull off wearing a cape to school everyday" Valt said with a silly face.

"It's not a cape , K!" Honcho said, "Eh?~" Y/n teased.

Toko and Nika could only sigh at the three.
Shu and Y/n then begun walking away from them. "Hey Shu , Y/n Goodluck on your next match!" Nika exclaimed.

"You're up after the next one right Shu? And after you it's Y/n! Hey you both better not lose!" Valt said, Y/n stopped and look over her shoulder as she replies " Don't worry! " Winking at Valt and Honcho and soon walked away.

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