Into the Darkness! Dark Doomscizor!

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"Welcome back bladers , are you ready for the second day of beyblade action?!" Hanami asked the excited audience.

"Our second competitor is Wild Wyvron and the handler  , Wakiya Murasaki! He's looking mighty chill"

"Time for the first battle of the day ! Strap in 'cause this is gonna be a crazy ride !"

As the bladers get into their stance , around the corner Shu and Y/n seemed to be together.

Shu had his arm crossed as he leans at the wall looking seriously at the battle.. on the other hand..

Y/n seemed calm as she looks at the battle , her posture was straight and graceful her hands behind her back as she observes the battle that is bound to happen.

"Ready , Set!"



1 !

"Let it rip!"

As the beyblades spinned around the stadium , Wyvron quickly went to the center claiming it's spot.

The other Beyblade went for the attack , but it seemed to have no effect on Wvyron.

Seeing this , Wakiya smirked in triumph.

"Wild Wyvron is zooming in ridiculously fast!" Hanami announced.

Y/n looked at the big screen as a smirk made it's way to her face. "Huh.. Interesting." She thought out.

"So lame. I was hoping for more of a challenge." Wakiya announced, his voice dripping with cockiness as he looks at his opponent with a smirk.

"I'd say you got 3 seconds left at best. Ready? Check it out , 3 , 2 , 1." As soon as he got to one , the opponent's Bey stopped spinning and bursts.

Y/n's smirk widen at this , seemingly an overflowing aura came out of her "Hah?~ Not bad." She thought.

"It's a burst finish! Wakiya Murasaki wins with 2 to nothing!" Hanami announced at the growing audience.

"I had a feeling he might get this far." Shu stated out which snapped Y/n out of her thoughts , the once growing aura disappearing.

She smiles at Shu. "Mhm.. he wasn't that bad." She stated out looking at Wakiya. Ignoring Shu's annoyed state that Y/n's attention was solely focused on Wakiya.


"And you're late.. again." Rantaro stated out. Coming into view is a sweaty and tired Valt. Rantaro , Ken and Y/n watches as he bends down to catch his breath.

"So close.. but feels so far , what's the point of even setting my alarm!" Valt yelled out frustrated.

This statement made Y/n chuckle as she covered her lips with a hand.

"Mah~ You're too much of a heavy sleeper , noh?" Y/n teased out. Valt was about to protest yet , nearing footsteps halted him so.

The group turned their attention to the approaching footsteps all having one question in their mind , who.

"That was harsh." Daigo stated out. Seemingly he had a smile , Y/n could feel the falseness of this causing her to narrow her eye slightly , her smile turning into a small smirk.

"Hey , isn't your name Valt Aoi?" Daigo asked. "Wait , please?" Rantaro chimed out.

Valt tilts his head slightly. "Fill me in." He stated. "Come on dude , don't you even know your next opponent?" Rantaro exclaimed.

Ruby Elesis ☼︎! Season 1 : Beyblade burst various x !Suo Hayato readerWhere stories live. Discover now