Beyblade Club : Let's get started ! Pt. 2

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"Shu , I'm begging you. Please fight Ken so he joins the club." There at the rooftop stands Valt , Shu and Y/n.

"I'm busy training." Shu retorted. Valt turned to Y/n. "Come on! Fight Ken so he joins?"

"As much as I'd like to , I'd rather not. You know fully well he won't last long." Y/n replied back , something off about her smile. It seemed cold as her eyes narrowed a bit.

They turned to see Shu launching his Bey.

"I get that , but this can count as training! Ken's Kerbeus is a SERIOUSLY tough bey.
And his only condition is only fighting you." Valt reasoned out. Y/n smiled and nodded a bit despite Shu's back turned against them.

"Actually , I think he's secretly plotting an evil move to destroy your bey for good" Valt added in rubbing his head.

Y/n chuckles a bit at this. "Is that right?" Shu asked unconvinced.

"Yep! It's what I heard. Don't you wanna prove him wrong? Unless you think you won't win!" Valt teased a bit. "Come in what'd you say?" Valt asked .

"Okay fine.." Shu agreed. "Eh?~ You actually agreed?" Y/n said with a teasing tone. Shu turned a bit red and turned to look at Y/n.

Y/n tilts her head and chuckles a bit. "You're all red , are you sure you're not sick?" Y/n continued teasing. Shu's face was still red as he turned away.

"Whatever.. set up a time , Valt." Shu replied ignoring Y/n's teasing causing her to giggle at this.

Valt seemed a bit jealous but shook it off. "I knew I can count on you!" Valt cheered out.

"Hey Ken! Shu said he'll have the match with you!" Valt yelled out as they turned to where he yelled at.

The door opens and Ken walks in the rooftop. Seemingly he had a serious face.

The small tension that started to built up made Y/n smirk a bit.

It would be a lie if I said she wasn't a sadistic person when it comes to battle like this.

I'd say it'd also be a lie if she doesn't enjoy seeing people get crushed easily. It was her only entertainment.

As Ken nears them. "Oh we finally meet." Besu said.
"I know you." Shu replied looking at Besu. "I've seen you battle Valt before." Shu added in.

"Oh wow! You actually watched me battle?" Besu replied in surprise.

Y/n chuckles finding the interaction really cute. "Yeah , the puppet guy. How could I forget?" Shu replied.

"We've been training for this for a long time!" Keru chimed in.
"The way you stay calm in the tournament is impressive." Besu added in quickly.

Shu have a small smile as he replies "I appreciate that."

"Neh ~ Let's start the battle yeah? I'll be the referee!" Y/n raised her hand smiling at the three boys.

"Alright." Suddenly tension builder up as Y/n announced with a cold gaze and smirk.

"The first battle!"

Both bladers put their bey into their launcher and soon they got into their stance.

Y/n gazes at the two boys , they seemed to be in a deep thought.

"Basing off from past tournament , Ken's confirmed to lose as of now. But maybe , if Ken plots a move that can cancel out Spryzen.. then maybe he might actually have a chance to win." Y/n thought out.

"Ready.. Set!"



1 !

"Let it rip!"

(I'll be skipping the fight <3)

They all watch as Ken's bey bursts , Shu seemed to have a victorious smile as Ken had a shocked face.

Y/n's smirk turned into a smile as she watches Ken's bey pieces fall with Shu's Bey spinning around the stadium in triumph.

She turns to Shu and watches him lift his hair , seeing his scar.

The action made Y/n flushed a bit as she turned away. No one seemed to notice.

"Uh-" She cleared her throat and chimed in. "Shu wins with a burst finish!"

It was silent , till Ken broke it.

"A counter break..huh." Keru started. "Hate to say it.. but that guy is legit !" Keru yelled with admiration.
Shu picked his Bey and clutched it. Y/n quickly took Ken's bey pieces and gave it to him with a smile.

This action caused Ken to get flustered but quickly regained his posture and thanked her.

"Good game guys , good game." Shu smiled.

"Hey! Don't get too comfortable , cause we're definitely gonna beat you next time!" Keru retorted. They then turned to Y/n.

"And maybe one day , we'll get a chance to battle you too!" Besu chimed in.
Y/n smiled and tilts her head. "Mhm. I'll wait for that , alright?"

"That is.." Ken turned to Shu. "You'll fight us again , won't you?" Besu asked. Shu seemed a bit shocked , yet he smiles gently. "Which puppet voice is the real you?" He asked gently.

Valt piped in " Dude they're both you , right?"
"Don't go there!" "Everyone doesn't like talking about feelings."

Y/n chuckles , she enjoyed this.. Her gaze softens as she watches the three interact.

"I'm glad.." she thought out. They watch as Ken scurried off quickly. Valt yelled out to him. "Hey! Don't go! You'll join the club , right?!"

Valt sighs "Huh.. he said he'd join , so why'd he ran off like that.."

Y/n walks up to Valt and pats his shoulder. "Give him some time , if I'm being honest.. it'd be overwhelming for him , y'know?"

Valt nods his face turning a bit red. He quickly turns to Shu . "But.. I bet you'll join !  I mean there's no way anyone can say no to a beyblade club!"

Shu quickly retorted. "I'm not really a club joining guy." He reasoned out as he walks off , this caused Y/n to snicker seeing Valt's shocked face.

"Y'know Valt.. you should try training on your own.. it'd help you get a stronger bond with your bey." Y/n smiled gently as she started walking off.

Valt seemed a bit overwhelmed . "Ahhh! That's not true!" He whined out.

Yet.. there in the rooftop corner , two figures seemed to be watching.

"A counter break , huh?" A blonde boy asked. "I wonder how good he has gotten in the last year." He smirked. "My battle against Shu is gonna be epic."

"And after I defeat him.. I'll battle her next and I'll be sure to crush her streak as a top blader."

Daigo sighed and started walking off. "I wouldn't be that cocky. Afterall , she's been the top blader for years. She's a defending champion for some reason."

Wakiya didn't mind at all. He'll be sure to crush that neverending streak. As him a d Daigo walked off. Y/n who was leaning against a wall smirked.

"Heh.. I wonder what else he'd say once I beat that cockiness out of him.. Afterall.." She takes Elesis out. "You and I are the strongest here.. right? Elesis."

Elesis shined , this caused Y/n to smile as she finally went down ignoring Valt 's screaming.

"I wonder how's everyone back there in BC Sol..Heh~" She thought out.

• And we're done! I'll probably be making another chapter later so.. please do wait for that ! Thank you for the neverending support y'all

Ruby Elesis ☼︎! Season 1 : Beyblade burst various x !Suo Hayato readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن