chapter 5 preventing midnights fate

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As I continued killing all the sinners in Union City I saw a future where midnight was about to be raped but hasn't happened yet and I know who the guy is and his lackeys I then started flying to the location where the Sinner and his buddies are at

After I made it to their location midnight wasn't there yet I flew down to the sinners and pointed my guns at them they were panicking

The meta: I know what you're trying to do sinners trying to do horrific things on midnight and I'm not going to let that happen

Just then one of the Sinners tried calling for help and just as I expected midnight came in

Midnight: all right Meta let them go and I'm taking you in

The meta: midnight do you have any idea who the sinner is and his lackeys what they were going to do to you

Midnight: what are you talkin about

The meta: that's civilian isn't really an innocent person he's a villain and they were about to rape you along with his buddies

Midnight: what are you saying

The meta: I think it's time I showed you your future on what could have happened if I didn't arrive and prevent this from happening

I used my powers and showed her a footage on the civilian where she tried to save someone who was an innocent person but a villain he and his buddies captured her and hold her down as they started taking off their clothes and started raping midnight

At the footage kept on going none of the heros didn't arrived in time to save her

Midnight: w what was that video

The meta: this was a footage of a future what could have happened if I didn't prevent this from happening so Tell me midnight do you think this person deserves to go to jail for what he and his lackeys of what they were about to do to you

She was thinking long and hard and then came with the answer I wanted to hear

Midnight: kill them I don't want to even look at them right now

The meta: with pleasure

I then started gunning down the sinners I gave midnight the evidence of the video of the future of what could have happened to her so she could show it to the heroes

I open my wings and flyed into the sky and left

(Midnight pov)

After the meta left I was thinking of what I saw on the video that I was about to be raped if he didn't came in and dealt with the villains before I got there I would have been raped by now and the pro heros wouldn't get there in time to save me from being raped I then started to think of the meta as a friend get to know who's behind that mask

As I continue thinking I hear the police as well as Pro Heroes came in I turn around to see Eraserhead endeavor

Eraser head: midnight what happened did the meta kill these innocent people

Midnight: they weren't innocent those weren't innocent people those were just villains and the civilian was a villain pretending to be an innocent person as soon as I got there the meta started pointing his guns at them after I told him he was going behind bars he told me that guy who i thought that Was  supposed to be an innocent person was a villain and his friends were planning on raping me The Meta showed me my future of what could've happen if he didn't arrive there I would have been raped and the other Heroes wouldn't get there in time

Endeavor: then were is the villain

Midnight: he got away he even gave me a video I'm what could have happened if he wasn't there to prevent them from doing such an awful thing to me

Midnight gave him the device and showed them what could have happened if the meta wasn't there to prevent Midnight's rape they were shocked on what they saw and couldn't believe that's what could have happened if the heroes didn't arrive on time

Endeavor: he may have saved you but he still a villain killing innocent people

Midnight: there's nothing we can do he has the power to erase our worlds powers if we anger him I don't know about you after he showed me the video what could have happened to me I'm leaving the meta alone

Eraser head: midnight you can't be serious he's a villain we have to stop him from killing innocent people

Midnight: no you listen the meta saved me from a fate far worse than death do what you want but I'm leaving the meta alone

Midnight then left leaving Eraser head and endeavor at the crime scene

The heroes at Union Academy have tried everything to capture the meta the angel sent by God knowing his training as well as his Marksmanship are very deadly as well that the bullets he fires are far more dangerous that are normal standard bullet

Right now the villains as well as the union Academy heros as the world biggest criminal organizations other hero organizations are trying their very best to capture the meta

But a Speedster in red are trying to figure out who's the meta is and is wondering why the angels lightning is green black as well the grey neon trails that he never seen a Speedster green black lightning trails as well as for the grey neon Trail his friends at Star Labs are trying to figure out who the meta is and find a way to dampen his speed

As of now the meta has became the Most Wanted Man by the hero community

But the meta has public support with him and since he's done a lot of good helping and healing the sick and wounded protecting families children as well helping people around the world as of today The Meta is considered a true hero to the world

Massive crossover x male op Anti Hero ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن