chapter 8 taking out Aresia

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After spending my day in the union universe a lot of people all over the world are starting to come to my little city so they'll seek protection  from the Sinners and demons

After I was spending my day with Trihexa and kaben I saw a vision where the fake Amazon aresia is about to kill all the world of men and I have to prevent it from happening

I put on my gear as well as my anti-hero uniform I went to the balcony I jumped off the building open My Wings and fly towards aresia location but I got a call from the gods of this universe asking to seek a meeting with me

I opened the portal to the realm of the Gods of this universe fly through the portal and it closed behind me

As I made it through the portal I then  fly towards the ground as I landed and see the gods appearing in front of me

The meta: what do you want I'm trying to stop a fake Amazon trying to kill the rest of men and are you trying to stop me

Zeus: no we're not meta because we had talked with your boss saying that is your job to eliminate sinners and prevent the deaths of men we didn't called you here to stop you killing aresia we called you here to kill her

The meta: I see so tell me God's as well as you Zeus are you in my boss good friends as well as your other friends

Zeus: yes we are friends with your boss because he created us as well as this universe because we all work for him

The meta: I see I thank you for letting me kill the fake Amazon but be warned if any of those Amazon's if they try to interfere with my work or try to stop me from killing her then it is your duty to remove their divinity their strength and their metals because if you don't obey this order I've given you then I have no choice but to erase you from existence

Poseidon: we understand we'll inform the Amazons do not interfere with your work here in our universe

The meta: good that's all I'll be on my way

I was about to open a portal but I was stopped by the goddess of love

Aphrodite: wait before you go can I come with you

The meta: can you tell me why you want to come with me

Aphrodite: I wish to be one of your wives

I was shocked that the goddess of love wants to be one of my wives

The meta: if I answer yes do you really love me or is this just your lust talkin because if it is I will punch you in the face if you so much as try it

Aphrodite: no this isn't the lust talking but I do have feelings for you

I looked into look into her soul as well as her mind so far she's been telling the truth and not a single lie has been made

The meta: fine I'll have you as one of my wives but just know this if you so much as cheat on me with someone else I will remove your divinity

Aphrodite: I understand

I looked at the Gods

The meta: remember warn the Amazons if they try to interfere with my work on eliminating aresia then do on what I told you to do if they so much as interfere

Zeus: We understand now go kill aresia

The meta: will do

I opened the portal with Aphrodite following me through the portal

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