chapter 19 preventing zone-tan midoriya and colonial Marines Fates

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After I check on Kayako and Amanda
They completed their mission every Center in the SDC employees and guards were now dead and now the fake schnee confessed every sin he committed right now they wanted his head but it was a shame when he thought it was a good idea to attack Amanda only for him and getting pierced in the stomach with him hidden blade

And I continued doing my daily routine

And   I let Francine deal with the rest of her problems while I deal with the problems of helping the innocent people in New York but everything was the same being chased by the police heroes and killing every sinner in New York

Right now everything was going normal so far until I a vision of the future where izuku midoriya I was about to be framed and to my surprise he was toga right now I opened a portal to Union Academy I walk through it and it closed behind me

As soon as I got there toga hasn't gotten here yet and I should start putting light energy barriers around the area so no Heroes students and Huntsman and huntresses wouldn't get in the way I then waited in the dark corner of the room

As I continued waiting for her she finally made it in the room I pulled out my power to save in grenade pull the pin off and threw it to the ground and with that the grenade went off disabling toga powers she looked around she knows the camera saw her she was about to escape but I pulled out my gun and shot her in the leg and her leg get blown off by Darkness energy bullet she was screaming in pain I came out of the dark corner of the room and walked up to her

The meta: you know it's such a shame toga you going to had life you wanted and didn't become a sinner but you chosen this path and as of now God has lost all forgiveness in you and you must be punished for your sins

As I can tell she scared and started crawling away I then walked up to her and grabbed her leg flipped her to her back and made her look at me

The meta: you know it's fascinating that you drink person blood but I won't kill you in fact I know two people who would be interested in you

She continued begging as I pulled out my tranq gun and shot her and she was instantly knocked out I then grabbed her open to portal to Lilith and Iris we're at I walk through the portal as a close behind me

As I made it to my destination I saw Lilith and Iris talking to each other

I lift my mask up

Ellis mercer: girls I brought you sinner and as of now she is my gift to you weather if you want to drink all of her blood or drain her of all of her blood for you to drink

Iris: thank you Ellis for bringing her to us

Ellis mercer: you're welcome

I was about to leave as both Lilith and Iris kiss me in the cheek

After that they took toga as she was starting to wake up and started telling me to help her begging me to save her

Toga himeko: please you have to save me don't let them kill me

Ellis mercer: sorry toga you made your choice now you have to live with it and you will be there new chew toys for them and buy that you're going to drink all of your blood or even drain you of your blood after all you made your choice now you must pay it with your life

As I opened the portal pull my math down and walk through the portal and before I left I could hear her screams of pain and begging me to kill her

But I didn't listen and left her to her fate

At the portal opened I was now on a rooftop of New York

As I was about to leave I had another vision of the future and to my surprise zone-tan actually exist in this universe and those sinners are about to rape her not on my watch

Massive crossover x male op Anti Hero ocWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu