chapter 17 meeting an old friend upgrading my powers

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As I decided to take a break being The Meta I decided to go back to the warehouse

After I was about to open a portal back to the Hideout

I saw a future up some guy chasing bees I decided to check it out before going back I open the portal that guy's location as I walk through the portal as it closed behind me

I was in the park of New York as I saw it was populated and people saw me since I was still wearing my anti-hero uniform I use my locator to find where he is as I keep falling where is the locator is taking me I finally found him for some reason this guy really loves bees

I then went up to him as once I saw his face I recognize who he was my old acquaintance Morgan I stopped time as I grabbed him and opened a portal and took him to my penthouse as soon as I walked through and made it to the penthouse I let time resume again as he looks around questioning where he is

He looked at me questioning who I was

Morgan: who are you where did you take me

I pulled my mask up he then recognized my face and who I was

Morgan: Ellis is that you what are you doing here

Ellis mercer: well I was going to go back to my friends house warehouse and help them until I saw a future you were in the parking playing with some bees since you still have that obsession with bees

Morgan knows I was right since he still has up obsession with bees

I then went to my room and did some meditating as I continued meditating and in my mind I've been started upgrading my powers first upgrade would be my darkness rage upgrading my darkness rage made my strength and Agility to 999999999000000x after I was done upgrading my darkness rage I decided to go back to New York I decided to go to go back to the warehouse I opened a portal and said goodbye to Morgan walk through the portal as it closed behind me leaving Morgan by himself in the penthouse
Putting some new fresh bandages

When I made it back to the warehouse I see Lieberman putting some fresh bandages on Francine they saw me enter the warehouse with the portal

Ellis mercer: hey guys I'm back

Francine: hey honey nice to see you back

I then told her what happened when I left the warehouse preventing spider woman's reputation being destroyed as I told her that she loved me and I fought a Sith

Francine: it's nice of you to prevent her reputation being destroyed from by Doctor Octopus and let me tell you something Ellis I don't mind sharing you with other women

Ellis mercer: you sure Francine this is a pretty big decision

Francine: I know and I'm fine with it

At Lieberman was about to say something they then heard something from the radio

Lieberman goes to the radio

Lieberman: feels like a recording

Francine was listening to the radio

Lieberman: repeating personal frequencies Been monitoring radio chatter just in case

Me and Francine are still listening to the recording

Lieberman: just in case we hear something about us and one of our Targets most been some random shit dead air

I look at Francine still focusing on listening on what the recording was saying I looked at Lieberman as she was looking at Francine

Lieberman: you know what this is

Francine: yeah I'm raven

Lieberman: who is that

Massive crossover x male op Anti Hero ocWhere stories live. Discover now