chapter 7 water hose Duo come back the Angel vs Union Heroes

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I woke up and started my day ate some food and installed the on Trihexa and kaben since they are starting to like the now

As I finish installing their rigs I then I had a vision of a kid at Cemetery the kid was Kota visiting his parents his grave he misses them and I think it's time I give his parents back to him

I put on my uniform as well as the armor and guns on my leg holsters and shoulder holster and put on my mask open the portal to kota location walk through the portal and the portal closed behind me

After I made it through the portal I was at the cemetery I use the navigation to lead me to kota location I started following it

After I continued walking I found kota talking to his dead parents as Graves I then spoke up

The meta: you must really miss your parents do to you

He was shocked that someone was there with him and turned around and saw me there

Kota: you're the meta what are you doing here

The meta: tell me do you miss your parents that you will do anything to have them back

Kota:  yes I would do anything to have them back why you asking me this they're gone and they're never coming back

The meta: what if I told you I have the power to bring someone back from the dead

By the look on his face he was shocked on what I told him and for what I could tell in his mind thinking I can bring his parents back

Kota: you can bring them back if you can please I want my parents back

The meta: you do not have to worry my child your parents will come back but with your permission I would like to dig up your parents his grave and open the caskets

(Kota pov)

After he told me he needed my permission to dig up my parents as Graves I said yes because I would do anything to have my parents back now

He started digging up my parents as Graves after he finished with my dad's grave even started doing my mom's grave after he finished digging both Graves and grabbing the caskets from the ground he open them

Even started pouring some weird green energy into the bodies as I saw the skin was no longer chain but the skin is now coming back as I saw 2 glowing orbs going into the bodies and finally the body is finally back to its normal state I went up to parents to see if they would wake up they started opening their eyes and groaning asking how are they alive and saying and why are we not dead hug both of them they were shocked to see their son there

Fumiko: kota what are you doing here how are we alive

Kota: it was The Meta the angel brought you back

Hiroshi: meta you brought us back so we can be with our son again thank you

The meta: it was my pleasure water hose Duo I couldn't see your son being sad so I gave him what he wanted to have his parents back in his arms again

My parents started thanking him as he was about to leave the heroes came in it's surrounded the meta

As I Saw team Rwby the orc class 1a and two Pro Heroes

Eraser head: meta surrender now and turn yourself in you are guilty of many crimes and you must be brought to Justice

(Ellis pov)

I was surrounded by hero's from Union they just don't know how much pain they are going to feel after this

The meta: I know you heroes from Union will want to arrest me just know this if you do arrest me you'll be angering God you in further

Massive crossover x male op Anti Hero ocWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt