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[Trip Last Part]


Sol A dressed nicely as she was told by Jong Hoon.

From: Jonghoonie
Dress nicely, I'll pick you up.

She read it again and put her phone back. She feels light. Just months to count and they could both be happy.

Just then, a car stopped in her front. It was Professor Kim's car. The window opened and it was Jong Hoon.

He went out of the car and opened the door for her. He helped her to fix the seatbelt and paused to look at her.

"Mwo?" Sol A asked as he looked at him sweetly. He leans in for a kiss which Sol A responded to sweetly.

"Nothing. Kaja." He started the car and they went off to somewhere

"Where are we headed?" Sol A asked.

"Somewhere? Maybe far from here." Jong Hoon said mischievously.

"Tomorrow is Monday you know."

"I know. We'll be back by then."

While driving, he was holding her hand tightly. Gently pressing it.

After a two-hour drive they arrived at an amusement park. He got out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Will you spend the whole day with me?" He asked and reaches out his hand to her.

"Not this day only, but the rest of my life." Sol A smiled. The words that came out of her mouth made Jong Hoon smile.

They intertwined their hands as they walk inside. The park was not that crowded since Jong Hoon picked somewhere far and secluded from the city to avoid any rumors.

"Do you want to ride that?" Asked Sol A and pointed out the roller coaster.

"I'll like this one more." Said Jong Hoon and dragged her finger to point to the ferris wheel.

"Ani. I know what you're thinking. Stop that." Sol A said and punched him.

"Mwo?" Asked Jong Hoon who was caught. "I'm not thinking about anything. You are."

"Tss. Let's ride this. Or are you just afraid of that?"

"Do I look like I'm about to throw up?" Jong Hoon asked arrogantly.

"Ne." Sol A answered while giggling. "You look like you'll beg them to stop if we ride that."

"You're the one to beg if I'll ride you." He whispered.


"Nothing. I'll buy the tickets." He said and went out to buy tickets for the both of them.

They ride the roller coaster in a blink of an eye and Sol pouted.

"Wae? Is it not fun?" Asked Jong Hoon.

"It's not. It could've been if you threw up there."

"You really thought of that? Whoa. I can't believe you."

"Tss. You're no fun." Sol A said and started walking.

I'll never understand her. Never. He thought and smiled. He rushed towards her.

They bought snacks and rode different rides until it was lunch.

"Usually, guys in the relationship will be afraid of those rides and the woman will be laughing at them, but you are not one of them. Wae? Is it because you're older?" Sol A teased Jong Hoon and put a pickle on her mouth.

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