1 ➛ Abandoned Again

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I watched as the autumn leaves fell gracefully from the looming red maple trees, still trapped in a confused daze at my current predicament.

I heard subtle splashes from under my feet, seeing as my taxi driver was driving 55 miles per hour in a 37 mile per hour zone. And of course considering my shit luck, it had rained the night before.

I still couldn't believe I was here in New York, the city overcrowded with over eight million people. The city, surrounded by lights, music, food and celebration, the way the luminous lights reflected off the mirror like buildings at night creating a sight that knocks the breath right out of you. The city notorious for making the impossible possible.

While my mother was down in Charleston, 725 torturous miles away. What a heartbreaking reality my life is.

"We're here," The taxi driver snapped impatiently, catching me by surprise. The vehicle had only come to a complete stop less than a millisecond ago. I slightly glared at him before clearing my throat. "Thank you."

I climbed out of the dinky yellow car, double checking that I'd brought all my suitcases with me. However, it hadn't even been a second after I'd shut the taxi door and the driver was already bolting down the avenue.

I sighed in defeat as I was left stranded with my luggage, directly facing the massive black rusted gate in front of me. I was on my own.

I could shit bricks right now, but the bustling of the nearby blacktop distracted me enough to remind me why I was here in the first place. Of course it was my very first day at a new school.

A boarding school.

A boarding school for the ridiculously wealthy and knowledgeable.

Granite Hills Private Institutional Academy.

I accidentally shivered at the sight of the castle before me. Seriously, this place looked creepy as hell. Not to mention this morning was already gloomy as is. Now the surrounding atmosphere seemed eerie and frightening.

I rubbed my clammy hands together nervously before finally walking through the gate and opening the double doors at the front of the school. Immediately, I'm struck by a sudden gust of cool air and I crinkled my eyes slightly.

This place has got to be ancient. I walked through the front passageway, carefully studying the sight before me. It was awfully grande and calling it prestigious would be an understatement.

I spun around the foyer soaking it all in, my previous nervousness subsiding. Was I really going to be living here?

The gray floors were a shiny marble and I couldn't help but admire the way my platform loafers sounded against them. I actually felt like a princess right now.

There was a crystal chandelier, speckled with gold hanging from at least twenty feet in the air taking me by surprise. The walls were a rustic dark wood color which really added to the ancient vibe that I mentioned earlier.

Overall, I was completely blown away at this point, mother did note that only the extremely wealthy attended this school but yet, I never in a million years would have expected a castle. I'd also heard rumors that the Sovereign's son attended this academy.

I took a deep breath in, inhaling the scents of cinnamon, spice and most importantly, dust. My dorm room was surprisingly easy to find, considering that I'm dumber than a rock and can't follow directions for shit.

I unfortunately heard voices beyond the door. The reason I say unfortunately is because I was hoping to squeeze in a two minute pep talk I desperately needed before my roommate arrived.

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