8 ➛ Transition

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"Excuse me students, a word?" The soaring mistress interrupted after clearing her throat. Her face held one of no emotion as she kept a scrutinizing glare. She had raven hair that appeared damaged and had horrifying split ends. I gulped.

"May I ask why exactly you lot are cooped up here instead of attending the emergency assembly in the meeting hall?"

The twins and I all looked at each other in collective confusion. I'm getting the idea that they hadn't known about this "emergency assembly" either.

Both Mirage's did their job at intimidating me because my hands turned clammy and I tried my very hardest to avoid their gaze, which doubtlessly made me look all the more guilty.

"Um, well you see-"

"No problem Ms. Blackford, we are heading there now." Four finished my sentence for me.

The lady nodded. "You should." She gave us one last one over with her shallow gray eyes before stepping out of the room, gesturing to the Mirage to follow her.

Once they were gone we all exhaled.

"What assembly?" Amica murmured.

"Probably a public announcement regarding last night. Seems like they really want to capture the Zacrite." Four spoke. They both looked at me shortly after.

I tried to deny it in my mind. It couldn't be possible. They thought I was one of them. Me! It was the most laughable thing I'd ever heard. I could not be one of them. That would mean my parents were probably -- and it just wasn't possible, okay?

My father was a coward and my mother was a sweet florist who absolutely adored her white carnations.

There was no way she could be a Frey, and my father was dead.

I stared down at my socks, "Sorry."

Amica dismissed me with her hand, "Whatever, we better get going anyways. Don't want to look more suspicious than we already do."


When we reached the meeting hall there was muffled chatter, masses of heads turned in our direction to watch us enter.

Four took Amica by the hand and led her in the opposite direction. He told me to reunite with Jizu and speak with her like nothing had happened.

So I scanned the large room for a redhead and a square face, I eventually spotted her ducked over chatting with Rowan.

When I sat beside her she looked at me puzzled, and I knew I was about to get overloaded with questions.

"Viv, where did you go last night? Rowan and I were searching for you everywhere after we'd retrieved my golden earrings but you were nowhere to be found!"

I winced, "I know, I know. It's my fault and I apologize, really. It was an emergency...just, something came up-"

"What came up?" Rowan surveyed me with accusing eyes and I gulped.

"My mother, you see...it was an emergency-- I couldn't just...she needed-"

Rowan rolled her eyes at my blubbering. "Oh I see."

I released a sigh of relief.

She's lying.

The thought hit me like a ton of bricks.

She thinks we're stupid after all.

I squeezed my eyes shut. These weren't my thoughts. Who's were they?

Were they Jizu's? Rowans?

I snapped my eyes open in an instant to peer at the two. Jizu was happily humming a tune whilst bouncing in her seat jittery. While Rowan was already glaring at me, looking like she was deep in thought.

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