9 ➛ Fogged Memories

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Mena loosened her grip on the knife until her arm fell completely from my throat and to her side, "You...? No. Impossible."

I exhaled, relieved that she wasn't going to slice my throat after all. The sound of footsteps pounding against the dirt streets filled my ears before Amica and Four appeared at the alley opening.

Amica's scowl softened to an annoyed glare at the sight of us, "Jesus, one of these days you'll pick-pocket the wrong fella Mena."

I looked at her through splayed eyes, my mouth agape, "How do you..? You know who this is?"

"Who do you think taught me my looting ways? It was this shrew."

"That is no way to speak to your mentor." Mena declared with a mocking tone, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.

I still couldn't believe it. Mena, my only friend ever...knew Four and Amica? But how? And what was she doing here? Whatever this place was.

"Who would've thought miss guru goody-goody would be caught dead at a place like this." Mena focused her attention back to me.

I steadied my breathing, "What are you doing here?"

Mena pulled her hood back in one swift motion, revealing her calm expression underneath. "Welcome to the cavern of Ariasken, Aviva. You and I have got some catching up to do."


Mena led us through and around the town until eventually we stopped in front of a tiny looking abode.

From the outside, the house looked old. It was built with gray stones and had walnut wood window sills. The roof was low and slanted to one side and was covered with rich moss. One small chimney sits at the side of the house. The house itself was surrounded by a small wooden gate.

I turned to Mena, "You live here?"

"Not just me." She responded as she cracked open the wooden front door.

I walked through the threshold and was greeted by a room filled with two other teenagers. Yes teenagers.

People my age.

Their gazes fell on me in an instant and silence filled the space. I noticed how the one with pin straight hair shifted on alert, with caution.

Mena sighed, "Relax Nabi, she's no threat." She then dumped all of her 'findings' onto a nearby stool with three legs before tossing the Nabi girl a silver hand watch. "For you."

The girl caught it nimbly, nodding her head as a thank you.

Amica came shoving past me then flopped herself onto the brown twin couch, "Man I've missed this place."

The brown skinned girl sitting beside her scrunched her face in distaste, "Man you stink. Get off." She shoved Amica away forcefully and then cackled evilly. Her almond black eyes crinkled slightly as she laughed.

"I've missed you too, Pepper." Amica grimaces.

I don't think she missed her.

Pepper analyzed me from head to toe meticulously, then turned back to Mena as if to silently ask 'who is this?'.

"This is Aviva. Aviva this is Pepper Wayans." Mena introduces us awkwardly.

"A ghost?" Pepper asked gaping. Pepper was gorgeous. She had black voluminous curls which she wore freely, and black eyes to match. Her lips were full and her brown face was sculpted perfectly.

Mena walked over to the white fridge in the nearby kitchen, swung it open and grabbed a bottled drink "No, an old friend." She opened the drink against the counter before taking a sip.

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