7 ➛ Undercover

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My head pounded tremendously when I forced myself to flutter my eyes open. I could feel my forehead vein pulsating vigorously to the point where I actually thought it might explode.

I groaned groggily, immediately raising my hand to block the flame of light peeking through the curtains.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice asked from the corner making me spin my head to face him.

Four leaned against a wooden closet, watching me.

"Well good morning to you too Mr. Stoker." I muttered sarcastically, rubbing my eyes as I sat up from the bed.

I then realized that I wasn't in my dorm, because if I were I would recognize my collection of Fiji water bottles that I'd lined up on my dresser. Or Jizu's stack of books beside her bed. Or even Jizu's various shades of lip tints which she enjoyed collecting.

Instead, the room was dark and bare, with very little decoration or personality. The comforters were both a deep green and everything else in the room was either black or green.

Although this dorm wasn't mine, I had drawn the conclusion that I was still on campus. The door was the same glossed brown as all the other dorm rooms, same as the flooring.

I looked at the nightstand then turned back to Four. His dull greenish eyes had noticeably dark circles under them and his jaw was set, a familiar glare was firmly placed on his face.


"Would you be mad if I asked you where the hell I am?"

"You don't remember?-"

In a flash, the door swung open and Amica walked in, wearing the same glare as her brother. When she saw my face, her's relaxed and she ran a quick hand through her disheveled hair.

"Good, you're awake." She said in a curt tone.

I bit my lip confused, "Well? Is anyone going to explain why I'm in some random dorm room the day after homecoming?"

"Relax Viv, you're in my dorm," Amica decided to speak up first. "Four and I just wanted to ask you a few questions about last night, that's all."

I looked at her like she was deranged, "I have class! And library assisting duties! You seriously think I have time to spare for you two?!" I started to get up from my position on the bed but was swiftly pushed back down by Four.

"Sit down," He growled.

"What the hell has gotten into you guys?" I asked, my anxiety being replaced by fear.

Amica pointed a finger at me accusingly, "No. What the hell has gotten into you?! Are you trying to get us killed? You can't just..!" She let out a frustrated groan before running her hands through her hair again.

I squinted at the two, "Killed? What?"

"Amica." Four warned. "It seems like she doesn't know yet."

I glanced up at him, "Know what?"

Four inhaled deeply then sat beside me on the bed, "We need you to tell us what exactly you remember from last night."

"Last night..?" I whispered to myself. I dropped my head and stared at my palms.

Last night?

Last night?

Last night?

I cupped my hand over my mouth in remembrance, then let out an ear-splitting scream as the memories from last night flooded my mind. All this time I thought it'd all just been a horrible dream. Turns out, the events of last night did in fact happen and now I was about to be caught red handed by probably the most known people at my school.

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