6 ➛ Just...Forget

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Dress shopping was different than what I'd imagined it to be. It was definitely exhausting and time consuming, I was starting to think that shopping in general was just not my thing.

Jizu, Rowan and I paced towards a tiny boutique just off the main street, buzzing with anticipation.

"Ouuu, what about this one?" Jizu squealed once we entered the store. She picked up a tight-fitted solid black dress that grazed the tile floor.

Rowan rolled her eyes, "Does Aviva look like the type to wear black? Plus, it's so plain and boring."

"Hm, I guess you're right, hey Viv? What's your favorite color?"

"White." I answered simply.

Jizu tilts her head slightly as she examined me, "Yeah, I figured as much."

"Oh Jizu, look at this one!" Rowan gets distracted and they start looking at a bright yellow dress.

I decided I got bored of the two and wandered on my own, except nothing stood out to me. Most of these dresses were also way out of my budget as well.

God, moving to New York surely humbled me, the prices here should be felonious. I found myself at the back of the store, a set of ruby earrings had captured my attention.

They were not that beautiful, but I couldn't help but stop completely to stare at them. I checked the price tag then released a loud gasp. I needed a word with whoever thought it was ok to sell a set of earrings for five grand.

"Stop thinking so much about it." A low voice spoke from behind me. I turned around spooked to meet a pair of faded green eyes.

Amica stood clad in red and black flannel pajama pants, with a small black hoodie on top. Her hood was on and she looked like she hadn't gotten a blink of sleep in weeks.

"Oh um, how did you..? You're Amica right? Fours sister?"

Amica suppressed a laugh, "Of course, let the woman be belittled to the petty title of being prince charmings sister."

"I...seriously didn't mean it like that."

"And yes, we're twins. Although I find myself to be easier on the eyes." She smirked proudly.

"Well? What are you waiting for? You and I both know how badly you want those earrings." She nodded towards the ruby studs.

"Yeah, except it seems like only one of us can control our impulses."

"God, stop acting like such a righteous prick," Amica pushed past me before swiftly snatching the earrings.

"See? Nothing to it, just grab and then boom, over within two seconds."

"What-- wait, no! Don't they have cameras? What if you get caught?"

"Relax prissy pink piss, and learn to live a little, Jesus." She scoffed, her glare judging me heavily. I shifted under the weight of her eyes. Was this how other people felt when I did it to them? When I read people I tried to be as stealth as possible but this girl wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Go on, take one. Promise I won't peep a word."

My eyes narrowed into slits, "You're a thief." I spat and it was the truth.

Amica simply shrugged, "I am aware. Except the difference between me and you is that I acknowledge that I'm a horrible person."

I spoke quickly and in defense, "I am not a horrible person-"

"Excuse me ma'am?" A shop employee emerged from behind us and my lips sealed shut.

The worker eyeballed us accusingly. I'm guessing she'd already seen Amicas' little stunt earlier. In spite of that, Amica didn't seem the least bit fazed. I could only assume she'd gotten caught shoplifting dozens of times so this was routine by now.

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