Car chase

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 Lance reaches up to the car door and looks up at the handle. Lance pops his neck and sniffs. "Okay. It's a wingsuit." Lance compares his wings to the outfit he's used. "How hard could it be?" Lance backs up then takes a deep breath and backs up a bit. "Time to fly." He flaps his wings and lifts them from the ground, but he then slams right into the board and bounces off. Lance gets up and circles around while holding his wing. "Nope."

Lance then tries to scale up the tire. "You broke into the Kremlin using a napkin and a piece of duct tape." Lance then runs up front the window. He gets to the edge of the roof of the car. "You should be able to get into your car!" He shouts to himself. He then slips and slides down the front window, squeaking as he goes down.

Lance tries again multiple times, till he takes a moment to breathe. Lance soon hears panting and looks to his right, where Walter has run up to. "Okay, hear me out." The boy pleads. "Is someone talking? I don't hear anybody talking. Especially somebody that's been doubled fired working on a triple fire." Lance says, his teeth clenched together.

"I'll come with you. I can show you all the advantages of being a pigeon and how it can make you an even better spy. And then you'll give me my job back. We both win." Walter offers. "Alright, let me think about that. No." Lance answers right before sirens can be heard. Lance looks around frantically.  "Okay. Well, I suppose you have somebody else who has a mobile lab." Walter shows the advanced backpack.

"Who can turn you back into a man." He adds. Lance groans and bangs his head on the glass. He DID know someone, but she would probably need the equipment his boy has. "Get in the car." He orders. "You won't even know I'm here." Walter takes the offer with a huge smile. Walter then gets in and buckles up. Walter looks out the window to see Lance standing there, nearly giving a glare. "I'll just ride out here, don't worry," Lance tells Walter, who then bursts out of the car to help Lance. Walter gets on the other side of the car to get the door open while his own house is being raided and destroyed. Walter watches what happens for a bit before he rushes back to his side of the car and dives in.

 The car revs to life. "Activate auto-drive," Lance demands calmly. The car turns on and takes the command. "Sterling private jet hangar." Lance gives the destination. "See that, Walter? You can bird me, but you can't stop me." The car bolts forward, going right to its destination.

Marcy looks behind her in realization. "He was behind us." She groans. "Buckle up. And get me everything we can on that Beckett kid." She demands as she and other cars follow after the agent. "You think they're working together?" Eyes ask, curious. "Sterling works alone, he's using him for something."

As the car goes through some twists and turns as Walter opens up the bag and Lovey flies out. "You brought the ladybird?" Lance yells. "She's my emotional support animal." Walter coos as he pets the gorgeous bird.

(Great, now I want an animal that cuddles with me when I want it. I'm not saying that the only emotional support animals do, I just want a clingy pet.)

"You're gonna need a life support animal if that bird poops in my-" Lance cuts himself off when he sees that he's being chased. "We got company." He sighs. "We got units blocking every street, overpass, and exit within a five-mile radius." Eyes tell Marcy as she types into her computer. "Perfect. Time for a cattle drive." Marcy says as she gets to work.

Cars begin to block Lance's path, but the car's evasive maneuvers activate. Lance groans as he sees he needs to shake them off. "I don't have time for this. Activate weapons." Lance commands. "What?!" Walter asks, shocked. "Relax. I'm just gonna take out her tires." Lance assures the boy while the car behind them begins to worry.

Walter quickly deactivates the weapons. "No. We're the good guys. We can' shoot the other good guys." Walter argues. "Yeah, you're right, Walter. Let's just pull over and talk it out." Lance says sarcastically, but the boy doesn't notice. "Exactly. Can we?" Walter asks.

"Activate weapons," Lance shouts. The two then fight over the controls, and the pursuers watch in total confusion over what's happening. Soon, the car glitches, and the systems shut down. "What did you do?!" Lance asks as the car goes crazy. Lance tries to steer the car and can cause a few pursuers to crash, leaving them immobile.

Marcy races down a street and looks around. "We should be coming up on him any second." She notes. Lance's car bounces on top of Marcy's car and continues forward. Walter soon gets the system back online and Lance agrees to put on an oil slick. Only one problem. They're driving downhill backward. The oil goes over the car, and the metal strikes a spark with the cement, lighting the oil on fire. Marcy crashes into a wall and Lance's car creates a wall of fire for me on the other side, before going out the side of the road. Everything goes into slow motion as Lance and Walter get smacked into various objects, while Lovey remains unharmed.

(She is beauty AND she is grace!)

Time goes back to normal and lands on a truck hauling cargo. "That was tight." Ears say smirking. "Yep. It's official. I'm a fan." Eyes say as hearts rise in her lenses. "D-did anyone else see a pigeon in that car?" Marcy asks, thinking she's seeing a thing.

Back to Lance and Walter, Lance is hugging the boy's face, his feathers ruffled. "I can't help but feel like some of this is my fault," Walter says, getting the agent's attention. "Some?! Joker, this is all your fault!" Lances accuse." "Sorry. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers." Walter says. "I hate you," Lance says.

Lance stays quiet and mutters "No other choice. Send Motorcycle to pick up Princess and have her meet me at the jet." Lance order. "Sending Motorcycle to Princess. Arrival counted down to 30 minutes."

"Princess?" Walter asks. "If the company is after me, there's one person they'll go to to get me to turn myself in. She'll be mad, but her safety comes first."

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