Final battle

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Lance's POV

I hear the sounds of flapping and look behind me, expecting to see the man coming back. But I then feel something on my shoulders. I see the two male pigeons on my shoulders and Lovey on my knee. I look up and behind me to see Walter and y/n walking up to me.

I begin to cry again and Walter has a look of confusion. Y/n laughs and yanks the earbuds out. Walter realizes what's going on and apologizes.

Y/n's POV

Walter explains what's going on while I keep an eye out for the robot's hand. "You're a good friend, Walter." I smile to myself at that. "Let's hope you're a good boyfriend to my sister, though." He adds. I laugh and slap my knee. "I KNEW you heard that!" Lance sends me a smug smile. "Darn right I did." He says softly Walter is just standing there, a stuttering mess.

Walter then hugs Lance, and they whisper something to each other. Walter then sets Lance free with the pen inside the skinny pigeon. Lance stands up and walks over to me. He traps me in his arms and squeezes. "You have too many near-death experiences." He mutters and I hum in agreement. Lance makes a scene and begins to talk to the robot hand while Walter and I try to hack the claw he has.

I activate the glitter once the music comes on and am in awe at the sight. "Yep. I'm in love with this boy." I affirm myself. the pigeons then fly through the glitter, throwing magnets at the assassin so they stick together and spaz out. Marcy then makes her entrance, gun ready. She controls an assassin to shoot many others.

The man then sends many assassins to us. I rush up and take out a Yoyo.

(Loved the idea, BTW. You know who you are.)

I spin it around like a lasso and the string glows a violent shade of orange. Blades stick out of the yoyo, and I toss them around. The strung cuts through the assassins like butter with a hot knife and on gets stuck to the blade of the yoyo. I twirl hard and make the assassin hit the other ones.

Right as I toss the yoyo for another agent to use it, Lovely drops me a slingshot with some strange orbs on the bottom that dispenses into the rubber. "Ooh~, this will be fun." I feel a devious smirk make its way onto my face. I hit one of the drones and the orb splatters like slime onto the device. I keep hitting more of them, laughing at how they're spiraling out of control. "Haha! I love this! Thank you, Lovely!" I yell to the pigeon. She looks over and I swear she sent a wink my way.

Robo growls in anger and sends a few in my way, but I dodge them and use the mic again to take them down. I look back in time to see Lance and Marcy holding down Robo's hand, who's aiming it at Walter. I go to help, but more assassins come to stop me.

I suddenly smell Lavender and see a trail of purple vapor dash all over Lance, Marcy, and Robo. The blood drains from my face. "Truth serum," I mutter, and I see Robo glaring at Walter. "I'll tell you what he's doing!" Lance says happily. "He's going to hack through your hand and deactivate the robots." Lance soon snaps out of it. "That stuff is really strong. Robo growls and knocks Lance and Marcy off him. He then summons an assassin to get away, angering me. I run over and grab the multi-pen from the ground. I snatch the watch from Walter and shoot a serious string at Robo. As he's raised by an assassin, I follow him.

"Y/N!" I hear the guys call out to me. I type furiously on the watch, trying everything I can. Walter jumps and grabs my leg. "I got you- Woah! I don't get you!" Walter yells as he's being pulled along.  Before we both leave the ground, Walter loses grip and falls. The boy opens his eyes and he's trying to follow me, but soon loses land to run on. I try not to panic and continue the hacking process. "Y/n!"

I reach too high 90 and feel myself being pulled up. I see I reach 100 percent and laugh in accomplishment before I met the face of Robo. He sees the screen and glares. "I'll win, either way, kid. You'll die in the end. Lance Sterling will know what it's like to lose somebody. One thing I do know; you won't kill someone." 

I think about his words and sigh. "I've always seen myself as the sacrificial type, anyway," I say firmly and press a button onto Robo. I then shove myself off Robo and activate the inflatable hug. I then deactivate the bots, relief filling me with the thought that I saved people. I sigh in relief and close my eyes, accepting my fate.

As I have my eyes closed, I hear barking. Confused, I open my eyes and see a pigeon flying toward me, a Lance pigeon. Lance's talons grip my arm and start flapping rapidly. "Lance?! Stop, you can't hold me up alone, you'll hurt yourself!" I beg my big brother. "There is no way I'm letting you die, Princess. I promised Mom and Dad that I would protect you! And besides, I am not alone!"

After that claim, a big flock of pigeons flies up to us, surrounding me to where my falling is slowing down. "Hah! What I tell you?" Lance smugly wonders. "When you turn back, I'm giving you the biggest hug. And a punch to the gut for dragging me into this." I inform Lance who replies, "I deserve that." 

The pigeons then land me onto the ground safely and disperse, feathers falling everywhere. I look around in relief to be on the safe ground until I'm engulfed in a hug. I stumble a bit and see Walter sighing heavily. "Don't ever do that again." He orders me. I chuckle and hug him back. "Don't plan to. That was terrifying. Now, come on. Let's go get your job back."

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