o.o.1 // solstheim

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this book contains spoilers for the vanilla plot line of Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V
this book also contains heavy gore, violence, and angsty situations.
i only own rhea and her personal experiences, not including the dragonborn plot

   Fucking cultists.

That was the only thing on my mind as The Northern Maiden sailed across the sea towards Raven Rock.

C'mon, goddamnit. Dragons, mercenaries, assassins, draugr, spriggans, bandits, forsworn, and now cultists? Nothing out of the ordinary for the Dragonborn.

Well, retired, that is.

Well, attempted retirement.

I can't seem to get away from all the action. Being the leading target of every enemy organization in Tamriel isn't exactly easy when you're attempting to lay low.

Gods, i'm so fucking sick of this whole "Dragonborn" thing. Why me? Why not someone else? Why did I have to get dragged into this godsforsaken world as some kind of savior just because it's my "birthright?" Pathetic, if you ask me.

A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"We're almost to Raven Rock. This is as far as i'm going, traveler. I refuse to be dragged into something else regarding this hellhole." Captain Gjalund Salt-Sage grumbled. I lifted my head, face covered by the leathery clothed mask of my Nightingale Hood. I responded with a nod, lifting myself to my feet as the ship slowly docked at the southern port of Solstheim.

I tossed a small coin purse to Captain Gjalund and stepped off of the boat, beginning to walk along the dock before I was stopped by a Dark Elf.

Should've expected it. Raven Rock is home to most Dunmer that fled from either Morrowind or Skyrim. Not that Solstheim is much better, regarding the shitty weather and lack of supplies, just less blatant racism from "the true sons and daughters of skyrim," as that jackass Ulfric words it. Though I really couldn't care less about the rebellion. I don't like either of them.

"I don't recognize you," the Dunmer begins, "so I'll assume this is your first visit to Raven Rock, outlander. State your intentions."

My movements didn't stutter. I had a purpose on this hellhole of an island, and I was determined to solve it.

"Do you happen to know anyone by the name of Miraak?" I ask, my lack of emotion as lovely as always. Gods, when was the last time I slept?

The Dunmer blinked, as if he was in a daze. "Miraak...I...I'm not sure that I do." I groaned, narrowing my eyes at the man through my cowl.

"Are you sure? You can't think of anything at all to help me with his whereabouts?" I interrogated once more, much like the first time. However, the Dunmer seemed to click.

"I...I'm unsure. I swear I know the name, but cannot place it." He mumbles, looking down at me for a moment before looking up and attempting to think. God fucking damnit, this was getting annoying. Why does everyone make things so fucking tedious in Tamriel? This is just like Delphine stealing the goddamn horn.

"Are you sure? You know nothing of the sort? That cannot be right, sir." I further pushed, causing the elf to glare at me.

"I don't think so. I'm not...the name has something to do with the Earth Stone, I think, but i'm not sure what." The Dunmer replied, seemingly frustrated with the continuous interrogation. I exhaled, nodding. I muttered a small 'thank you' before pushing past him in search of an inn, or something. Maybe a tavern for some good liquor.

"Just remember! Raven Rock is sovereign territory of House Redoran. This is Morrowind, not Skyrim. While you're here, you will be expected to abide by our laws!" The man shouted from behind me. I huffed, continuing to walk forward without break. I gazed at my surroundings as i searched for a good place to rest. The guards were dressed much differently from how they were in Skyrim. Peculiar.

I glanced around until i saw a sign hanging over an odd looking building, seemingly a shop of sorts in this area. "The Retching Netch." I only hope it's a bar.


As I opened the door to the shop, i was instantly greeted with a warm environment. It was decently spacious, with a staircase leading down. A fireplace was housed in the back of the room. Many people sat around the room, some drunk off their asses and some just annoyed. That seemed to be a norm here in Raven Rock. No one appeared to be anything less than on edge.

I pushed away the feeling of suspicion as I walked downstairs. Thankfully, i saw a bartender at his station and i immediately walked over, ordering the house specialty.

"I present to you, the finest sujamma to cross your lips, friend. My own personal formula that I call "Sadri's Sujamma." In fact, I've just added some new ingredients to the mixture that I think makes it taste better than ever." The bartender, who I could only guess went by the name 'Sadri' said enthusiastically. I nearly grinned, purchasing a few bottles before heading back upstairs and finding a place to sit and drink away the growing headache from the amount of ash that had seeped into my nasal cavity.

I sat down, hunched over the bottle of Sujamma. How in the nines did i end up here? Morrowind? Why couldn't i just stay in Riften, sipping Black-Briar Mead on my back porch in Honeyside? I could have just ignored the cultist's orders, but no. Adventure-seeking twat had to go to an entirely different province to find some guy that nobody seems to remember. Just lovely. The retirement was going well, despite the countless sleepless nights, being abruptly reminded of the horrors faced by the Dragonborn. I went to hell and back, literally. Well, not necessarily hell, but Sovengarde. It was rather nice to see Kodlak again up there, but i wouldn't dare do it all again. The PTSD was well enough.

A mask slipped into my vision, causing me to snap out of my thoughts yet again. Shit, there's no fucking way these cultist assholes followed me, right?

I glanced around, noticing the masked figure slipping out of the door as they noticed me. They were wearing that goddamn white mask per usual.

I'm too sober for this shit.


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