o.1.7 // secrets of the skaal

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No one's POV

Rhea's ethereal form slowly gained its solidity once more as she collapsed onto the ground. She took a deep breath, as if she had nearly drowned. Teldryn was already at her side, quickly pulling her to his chest.

"Rhea? Are you back? Are you hurt?" He asked hurriedly, looking over her body for any injury.

Rhea slowly looked up, blinking as her mind came back to her. She patted Teldryn's chest. "I'm fine this time- i'm fine." she assured. The mercenary let out a sigh of relief, hugging her tightly.

Neloth ran to her side. "What happened? What did you see? Different people have very different experiences when reading these books." He rushed out, eager to hear her experience.

Rhea pulled away from Teldryn begrudgingly. "I talked to Hermaeus Mora." She said, looking up at both dunmer.

Teldryn's grip on her waist tightened. Neloth gasped. "You're still acting surprisingly sane, too. What did he have to say? He must have wanted something from you!" He yelled.

Rhea grimaced at the loud noise. "Chill out- I'm not fucking around with that tentacle-y bastard." She huffed. "I learned the second word to Bend Will. He wants the Skaal's secrets in return for the third word."

Neloth hummed, eyebrows scrunched together as he thought. "Hmph. What secrets could they have worth keeping from old Mora? Sounds like a bargain to me. Hermaeus Mora learns some fascinating new ways to skin a horker and you become the second most powerful Dragonborn that ever lived. Well, that gives me a lot to think about. I need to get back to Tel Mithryn. I have some ideas about how to locate more of these Black Books..." He muttered, quickly standing up without another word and walking out abruptly.

Rhea looked up at Teldryn, who was already looking back.

"Are you sure you're alright? Did Mora do anything to you?" He asked, voice warm and scruffy as usual, but with a kindness that Rhea welcomed with open arms.

The girl shook her head. "I'm alright. Mora didn't do anything. I didn't take any deals or anything. That's why i'm going to talk to Storn before anything." She sighed, leaning her head against the mercenary's chest. He leaned down and hugged her.

"Good. I...I was worried about you." He mumbled, squeezing her a bit. She grinned, hugging back.

"The great Teldryn Sero? The best damned swordsman in all of Morrowind? Worried? About me, at that!" She teased, chuckling. Teldryn flicked her ear.



Walking out of Nchardak, a dragon awaited the return of Rhea.

"Miraak has commanded your death! So it shall be." The dragon, Krosulhah, bellowed, sweeping down to attack.

Rhea stumbled, not expecting the attack. She growled.

"Miraak isn't taking shit!"

And so, they began to fight. Teldryn slashed the beast's side while Rhea stabbed at it's snout. The dragon roared, whipping its head and knocking Rhea off to the side, her sword clattering to the ground. She groaned, hurriedly grabbing it and rushing forward again. Teldryn glanced at her, but didn't stop. He swung himself over onto the dragon, stabbing its spine repeatedly before jumping off as it took off into the air.

Rhea readied her bow, firing arrow after arrow while Teldryn threw fireballs at the flying creature.

Eventually, it was dead, and Miraak had not shown up to steal its soul.

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