Chapter 8

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After dinner, Riccardo told me to follow him to his office for some rules.


"so, I have some rules for you
If you want to change anything about the rules,tell me in the end.

1) keep swearing to a minimum

2)respect your brothers and me, we will respect you back

3)try not to drink and smoke every day, keep it to a minimum

4)Don't come up to this floor, this is used for our businesses and we don't want any work going missing or just there really isn't anything here.

5)you don't need to ask us to go but just let us know where you are going so if anything happens we know where to look for you.

6)be home by 12 am on weekends and 11 by weekdays

7) make sure you get enough sleep,if there is something stressing you,please talk to us.

one last thing, tomorrow we are having some business partners for dinner so please dress up in something appropriate.

good night Bambina" Riccardo ended off,

his rules were reasonable. They actually were rules i wouldn't break.

I started to get really tired so I decided to fall into a dreamless sleep.

Third person pov
Elda was sleeping peacefully when
"wake her up"
"Aww she looks so cute when she's sleeping."
"Damn i wish I looked good even asleep"
"I swear to God,if you don't wake her up now I'll kill you for making her late to school."
All of that commotion made her wake up from her slumber and she decided to just punch whoever woke her up. She grabbed the face closest to her and gave it a good punch right in the middle of the face making Dante groan in pain.
Hearing that groan she was happy at the choice as she knew Dante didn't like her and would take any opportunity to hurt her. She then ushered everyone out of my room.

Elda's pov
I have school today so I decided to get ready after taking a shower, I wore

And went down to eat breakfast even though I normally don't eat but I don't wanna make them feel suspicious

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And went down to eat breakfast even though I normally don't eat but I don't wanna make them feel suspicious.
"Hey honey, remember today we have some guests coming over so wear appropriate clothes. And good luck for today:)" Riccardo said. I nodded and wolfed down half of my food before I felt really full, I said my goodbys and sat in my car waiting for the twins to come so we can leave.

I'm sorry I can't physically write anymore I'm really sleepy, I haven't slept for the past two days and it's 3.30am so good night and I'll write more tmr.
Thank you:)
Give me some advice on what to change or add here

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