Chapter 11

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While Lan Xichen was deep in his thoughts and was trying to tame his emotions, Lan Wangji had apparently decided to go completely crazy. The First Jade could only watch in utter shock how his brother suddenly launched forward and took hold of one of the disciples' swords. Then, Lan Wangji started to fight with the disciples until he took control of the situation and pointed the stolen sword at Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren.

Well, it seemed like history was really repeating itself if another member of the Gusu Lan clan was standing against his own family with a sword in his hand. There was nothing to remedy in this case. The only thing that Lan Xichen could do now was to subdue the offender and deal a punishment for this. He was sad and disappointed in his brother, blaming him for how the whole situation had escalated. They could have talked about this, but it was too late to do so at this point.

He took out his flute and started playing a melody to paralyze his brother. Lan Wangji looked surprised which was actually no wonder since the song was from one of the books in the forbidden section of the Library pavilion where he had no access yet. He was probably hearing it for the first time. He could not defend himself, they melody worked as intended and Lan Wangji froze mid movement, completely still, only his eyes were rolling around in their sockets. He looked extremely angry and his teeth were bared, it was not a good expression to see on one's brother's face.

Lan Xichen had to remind himself that this was for the best. Lan Wangji was now paralyzed and the healers finally rushed into the Jingshi after the First Jade gestured to them that it was safe. He tried to pay attention to how his brother was being disarmed, tied up and all but dragged out of the Jingshi, but he found himself drawn to another part of the spectacle.

The healers had now untied the ropes which had been holding Wei Wuxian in place and the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was struggling to sit up. Contrary to Lan Xichen's expectations, he did not try to cover himself even though he had been blushing so hard just moments ago and the room was full of people now. Instead, he was looking as the Gusu Lan sect disciples were dragging Lan Wangji away and calling after him.

Lan Xichen could not understand what was happening. It almost seemed like Wei Wuxian did not mind being imprisoned by the Second Jade and wanted to run after him now. To his eyes, it only proved further just how traumatized the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was from this experience.

Rationally speaking, he should have hated Lan Wangji and his ways and be grateful that he had gotten rescued in time; or hopefully in time, Lan Xichen did not even want to think what Lan Wangji had had opportunity to do to the other boy and if it had been consensual or not. But it did not look that way, aside for that mysterious item in Wei Wuxian's backside, he looked unharmed.

Had Lan Xichen been mistaken? Or had Lan Wangji tied Wei Wuxian to himself emotionally as well? It was sad to see. How would they be able to explain all of this to the Yunmeng Jiang clan?

Lan Xichen put away his flute and quickly joined the healers around the bed. They were trying to keep Wei Wuxian sitting on it and to not let him run after Lan Wangji all the while doing their best to not hurt him. There was no way they would be able to examine him in his agitated state. They could also not help him get rid of the thing inside of him and release his member from the Gusu Lan sect ribbon.

Lan Xichen frowned, not understanding why Wei Wuxian would not let them help him. The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was still fighting them and calling Lan Wangji's birth name again and again. There were now tears in his eyes and his voice was getting rougher from all the shouting. It seemed like he was completely beside himself.

The healers were holding him by his arms and Lan Xichen used this to put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Young Master Wei!" he called him with a strict voice, hoping he would be able to snap him out of it.

Luckily, it seemed to work. Wei Wuxian went completely still and he looked at Lan Xichen with big pleading eyes. Something inside the First Jade's chest clenched at the sight. It took several seconds for Wei Wuxian to find his words: "Zewu-Jun, please, do not take Lan Zhan away from me. I love him."

Lan Xichen could not watch the hurt and longing in the boy's eyes. It was clear that Lan Wangji had indeed tied him to himself more that the First Jade had ever imagined. Now it was up to him to help the boy forget the trauma. He seemed so manipulated by his brother that he was even claiming that he loved him and thus indirectly admitting that he did not mind the treatment he had been receiving.

Watching the pleading and vulnerable Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen had suddenly an idea. At first, it was against his every conviction but the more he thought about it, the more he was starting to like it. He had been worried that this was the end for the Gusu Lan sect but perhaps he could still do something to avoid the inevitable. He knew himself that it was a terrible idea and that he would most probably be breaking the Gusu Lan sect rules but he could not see any other option to salvage what still could be salvaged.

And perhaps it would be good for Wei Wuxian also in the end; helping him forget what had happened and how would surely be better for him than having the whole cultivation world learning about these events and having to face their judgment. Yes, he would actually be doing it for Wei Wuxian.

Lan Xichen would take care of him as he had wanted and convince him that he should keep this a secret from everyone. It was lucky that apparently, Jiang Wanyin had no idea about what had truly happened and aside for Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren and a handful of the Gusu Lan sect disciples, no one else surely suspected anything. He could do this, he could convince everyone that it would be in Wei Wuxian's best interest to not say anything about today and to act as if nothing happened. He could find an excuse for Lan Wangji's absence, he was quite confident in that.

That was it! Lan Xichen's heart was lighter now that he had found a way out of this mess. He could do this, he had to, both for Wei Wuxian and for the reputation of the Gusu Lan sect. No, no, no. It did not feel right, he was doing it only for Wei Wuxian's good, period.

The boy was still looking at him, pleading. Lan Xichen smiled at him, making sure that it would be his usual calming and reassuring one and not a calculating grin which threatened to take over his lips. He patted Wei Wuxian's shoulder lightly: "Young Master Wei, please do not worry. Let me take care of everything. I will take care of you, I promise."

Wei Wuxian was opening his mouth as if he wanted to protest but Lan Xichen did not let him. He quickly reached closer and pressed an acupuncture point which he knew would put the boy to sleep. It worked instantly and Wei Wuxian slumped forwards, right into Lan Xichen's outstretched arms. He laid him down on the bed carefully and then stepped back so the healers could take care of him at last.

He watched with sad eyes how they examined the bruises on his wrists and ankles which had been caused by the silken ropes. They then proceeded to turn him on his side and examine his lower half as well.

Lan Xichen averted his eyes. He did not have to invade the boy's privacy any more than this. Though he still could not help himself to feel scandalized and angry at his brother for stuffing something like a light pink jade stone inside of Wei Wuxian's backside and tying his forehead ribbon so tight that the boy would be kept hard for who knew how long already.

Lan Wangji had truly turned out pretty barbaric in this sense. Lan Xichen would most probably have a hard time convincing Wei Wuxian to not say anything and to not demand any kind of retribution or compensation. He would have to be smart about this all, lest it could backfire. He wondered where his brother had learned this or if it was simply running in their genes.

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