Chapter 12

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Note: This chapter contains brief description of non-consensual hand job, please be warned and proceed at your own discretion

Convincing Lan Qiren to allow him to take Wei Wuxian into his quarters and take care of him there had proven to be easier than Lan Xichen had expected. He did not even have to do much convincing at all, at least not right now because Lan Qiren had already left the Jingshi, most probably to go take care of the issue with Lan Wangji.

So Lan Xichen had ordered the healers to take Wei Wuxian to his quarters immediately after the examination, once they confirmed that he was physically alright aside for a few bruises. He followed after them and did not leave Wei Wuxian with his eyes. Since they had decided to move quickly, they did not go searching for a pair of robes which would fit the unconscious Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple – it would be too hard to get him dressed anyway – and wrapped him up in a blanket instead.

The move to Lan Xichen's quarters was uneventful and they encountered just a few Gusu Lan sect disciples. Luckily, it was still early in the day and the lectures for most juniors had already started, the other inhabitants of the Cloud Recesses were tending to their duties as this time of the day as well. There were also no guest disciples around which Lan Xichen attributed to them waiting for their teacher and probably wondering why Lan Qiren was late. He had after all come to his uncle quite abruptly and there had been no time to settle for a replacement teacher or cancel the lectures for the day.

Once he was left alone with Wei Wuxian who had been laid on his bed, Lan Xichen proceeded to unwrap the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple from the blanket. He wanted to cover him with a new one so he would not wake up to the smell of his abuser. It would be way easier to convince him to forget everything if Lan Xichen acted as if nothing had happened in the first place.

He had also ordered the healers to prepare medicinal tea which would keep Wei Wuxian calm once he would regain consciousness. He had been warned that there could be side-effect, such as haziness, confusion and sleepiness, but he insisted. He had not said it but those side-effects were actually what he was looking for. If Wei Wuxian would not be able to think clearly, then he would be more susceptible to forget the horrors he had surely just been through. Perhaps he would only remember it as a bad dream.

After all, this was all for his own good, Lan Xichen was certain that the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple would understand in the end. It would go against all common sense if he would actually want to remember being assaulted and kept prisoner in such a humiliating and terrible way.

For now though, Wei Wuxian was still unconscious and Lan Xichen was watching over him. While he was doing so, he was observing the boy for any visible signs of discomfort. He had been hurt and humiliated enough so Lan Xichen should be very careful and mindful.

He finally managed to untangle the blanket from around Wei Wuxian's body and was about to cover him with his own and throw Lan Wangji's away, when he noticed something. He had already had to admit that the boy was very handsome, beautiful even, in a way that rivalled those of the finest ladies. He understood why Lan Wangji had fallen for him. He would have perhaps loved him too if he did not know that he could not.

However, what he saw when the blanket came off was something different. Wei Wuxian was still naked so Lan Xichen had a full view of his body and also of his hard member. Lan Xichen had almost forgotten that Lan Wangji had tied his forehead ribbon around it to keep it standing, now he was reminded. He had thought that it would have calmed down on its own already.

He was wondering what he should do. He knew from experience that if left unattended, it could get quite uncomfortable.

As if he had predicted the future, Wei Wuxian suddenly stirred and moaned quietly. Was he waking up? No, it did not look that way confirmed Lan Xichen when he looked at the boy's face and saw that his eyes were still very much closed. And then, Wei Wuxian's hand twitched and moved in a quite telling way, trying to reach between his legs. There was a small frown on his face, as if he was actually in pain.

Lan Xichen only hesitated for a second. He was still waiting for the medicine to be delivered and it would be less than ideal for Wei Wuxian to wake up right now. If him being uncomfortable was making him regain consciousness, Lan Xichen would have to help make everything better.

He closed his eyes and debated with himself for a heartbeat whether what he was about to do would not be the same as his brother had done. He decided that the circumstances were different, he was helping Wei Wuxian instead of keeping him against his will. It was fine.

He started reciting the Gusu Lan sect rules in his head and reached forward. He gathered Wei Wuxian's hard member in his hand which made the boy moan again, this time it was mixed with relief. Lan Xichen was satisfied that he had indeed found the source of discomfort for the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple. That was good.

He gave the hard member a few gentle strokes and observed Wei Wuxian's reaction. He did not want the boy to wake up in this kind of situation, not after what Lan Wangji had done to him. To his relief, Wei Wuxian did not as much as stir, he only relaxed and his mouth came slightly agape. If Lan Xichen was interpreting this right, he would say that he was comfortable now and was enjoying himself.

He continued pleasuring Wei Wuxian and looking at his face intently all the while. The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was now giving out a series of adorable little pants and gasps, but remained unmoving otherwise. Lan Xichen was glad for that. Though he had to will himself into not looking at the boy's face anymore since it was affecting him in a way that he did not want to admit. He could feel warmth and pressure building up between his own tights and he did not want to let it overwhelm him.

With a few last strokes, Wei Wuxian came into his hand with a small full body shiver and an adorable loud moan. He seemed to have enjoyed himself quite a lot. Then, he settled down and did not give any more signs of waking up. Lan Xichen smiled to himself. If everything could be solved this quickly and with so little effort, life would be so much easier. He sighed in regret; of course everything could not be easy given the situation. He still had his work cut out for him.

He cleaned his hand with Lan Wangji's discarded blanket and then gently cleaned also Wei Wuxian. Right when he was done, there was soft knocking at his door and a voice which he recognized as one of the Gusu Lan sect healers' called: "Young Master Lan, I am bringing the medicine you have requested."

Lan Xichen quickly threw the soiled blanket on the floor and covered Wei Wuxian with his own, hiding his nude body to anyone's eyes. He got up and went to the door to take the medicine. He would need it when Wei Wuxian would wake up for real. In the meantime, he had hopefully a little time to think about how he would make the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple forget everything his brother had done. 

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