Chapter 1 -Introduction

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Celestial Uni, built by the beautiful Goddess Athena the daughter of the "almighty" Zeus and the Goddess of Wisdom. The School is attended by nearly all races: God/Goddess, Nymphs and constellations and many more others.

 Just like any other "normal" school, there is the cliche hierarchy system. Those at the top of this hierarchy system are the so-called popular kids the ones at the bottom are the losers. At the top of this system are obviously the "Pure Blood", those who have two parents that are Gods. Then at the bottom of this system is us. The Zodiacs.

You would think the Zodiac would be near the top of this system, as we are the ones who protect the God/Goddesses at this school of anything were to go down. But no, we are disrespected by nearly every race in this school. Especially by the constellations, but I think the majority of them are just jealous.

You see, Zodiacs are literally constellations that were chosen by the Gods and granted gitfs. The Gods are scared of our power. We're not stronger or as strong as them, yet. But if we were to meet our greatest potential there is a chance that our power may rival the gods or even be greater. But the huge egos of the Gods can't handle that. So if you are hated by the Gods of this school, the whole school follows as well.  Luckily for a few of us, some of the God are friends with us. Triton son of Poseidon  and Pisces have been friends and have dating a few time, Sagittarius and Comus (son of Dionysus), Aries and Harmonia (Daughter of Ares and Persephone)  and many more

The worst thing is that there's only a small number of us. Twelve to be exact and even with our small number within our race, we can't get along with one another. I  blame this the other student in the school. Every Monday, an Instagram account ran by a student in the school , .

probably an demon,  has people ranking the Zodiac from  first place to twelve place. Believe or not, this account has caused some Zodiac to hate other Zodiacs. Before the account Leo and Aries used to be best friends, Aries used to come first place every single week but then a sudden change happened where people where putting Leo first place which led to jealousy.

We also have the the Zodiac Games" a tournament in which the Zodiacs are forced to part in. We have each other until the one person the other person is unconscious . Refusal to partake in the games leads to serious consequences. Athena says that is so she can see our progress but everybody know it bull poop. They just find it entertaining to watch us rip ourselves apart. Nobody likes to lose especially in front of the whole school, causing many unhealthy rivals like Aries and Aquarius, Sagittarius and Pisces and many others. It always been three main people winning again and again each year. Scorpio, Pisces and Aquarius. This last time Aquarius won this win also ruin his friendship with Aries who came second .

Recent rating of the Zodiacs (instargram account) 

#1  Leo (Picked by Zeus)
#2  Sagittarius (picked by Dyonisus)
#3 Cancer (Picked by Hera)
#4 Gemini (Picked by Hermes)
#5 Aquarius (Picked by Athena)
#6 Scorpio (picked by Hades)
#7  Capricorn  (picked by Apollo)
#8 Libra (picked by Aphrodite)
#9 Pisces  (picked by Posiedon)
#10 Taurus  (picked by Demeter)
#11 Aries  (picked by Ares)
#12 Virgo  (picked by Artermis) 

Previous Ranking 

#1 Aries 
#2 Leo
#3 Gemini
#4 Sagittarius
#5 Libra
#6 Cancer
#7 Pisces
#8 Capricorn
#9 Aquarius
#10 Taurus
#11  Virgo
#12 Scorpio

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