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Third Person

The class was filled with mummering  shuffling of bags as the Zodiac packed their things to go their next class.

Cancer packed her things into her bag quickly and was the first to leave the class. She didn't want to get caught up in the huge crowd that was about to walk though the corridor and as of right now, she wasn't popular with a lot of people and would rather not get tripped up in the hallway or have insults thrown at her.

She let her hair lose over her face so that people wouldn't see her. She just wanted to get to class as soon as possible. Then she felt a small tug on her bag. Not wanting to see who it was and make a big scene she kept on walking. But then, the small tug happened again and yet again she ignored.

"Cancer, wait ," the voice said

Cancer recognized this voice and let out a sigh of relief and turned to see a friendly face,

"Ah, sorry, Cance, did I startle you?" Scorpio asked with a small smile on his face

"No, not at all," Cancer lied 

"I just wanted to check on you," explained Scorpio. "You just literally ran out of the room without saying anything,"

"Oh, I'm f.fine, I just wanted to get to class before..." Before Cancer could finish her sentence, she was cut off

"Oh look, she's now moved on to another taken man," shouted a voice in the crowed "Damn she moves quick,"

"Before that.."  Cancer finished off 

"Yeah, I get what you mean," Scorpio replied apologetically. "Sorry it's my fault,"

"Don't worry, if it didn't happen in the hallway, I bound to get a piece of paper thrown at me in class with the word whore written in it," Said Cancer "Well, I better get to class now,"

"I'll walk you there... just in case things get worse," said Scorpio, Cancer's face went slightly pink, but she hid her face before Scorpio could see.

"Oh, what about Capricorn?" Cancer asked. "Don't you two normally walk to class together,"

"Yeah, but I have a feeling that he doesn't want to see my face right now," Chucked Scorpio, but Cancer could tell that he was feeling kinda hurt 

"Oh, that's my fault, sorry," apologized Cancer

"No, no its not your fault," Said Scorpio, his voice sounding very distant now "Its that bastards Sagittarius fault, his relationships ended badly so now he wants to ruin everybody else's relationship,"

Cancer nodded her head in agreement. "I think Sagittarius has a crush on Capricorn,"

 Scorpio didn't say anything to Cancer's comment, but she knew that Scorpio had heard what she said.


"Why do you like to cause a problem?" Grinned Leo as she nudged Sagittarius in the side as they walked out of the class.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," replied Sagittarius with a grin on his face

"Take that stupid smirk on your face says otherwise," Laughed Leo, Sagittarius laughed with her. "So what are you trying to get from this?"

"What do you mean?" Replied Sagittarius

"You only cause trouble unprovoked when you're able to get something out of it," Said Leo

"Only trying to piss of Scorpio," Grinned Sagittarius 

"Is that it," Leo raised an eyebrow

Sagittarius didn't say anything but he had a small smile on his face.

Celestial University || A Zodiac story||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora