Chapter 11

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Capricorn Pov

My heart felt like it had been stomped on. Why is Scorpio being like this? Why has he been spending so much time with her? I'm not the jealous type, anytime a person who fancied Scorpio would try to talk to him, I wouldn't care because I knew that he loved me, and no one else. He's told me this himself.


These past few days, a lot of doubt has been plaguing my mind. Scorpio has gotten closer to Cancer despite Cancer not liking anybody who's friends with Scorpio and vice versa. Cancer now has a reputation for taking people's boyfriends so obviously I'm going to be worried.

But I can't unsee what I saw Scorpio do yesterday when he was making Cancer feel better. I don't know if I saw it or if I'm delusional.

I thought I saw him kiss her forehead.

I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but he looked mad guilty when he saw me.

"Hey, what's on your mind," Sagittarius gave me a slight nudge interrupting my thoughts "Please don't tell me you're thinking about them,"

"He's my fucking boyfriend of course I'm going to be thinking about them," I snaped "Sorry, I didn't mean to"

"Don't worry about it," interrupted Sagittarius with a smile " You just very care about him, don't know if I can say the same for him though,"

We both looked in the direction of Scorpio and Cancer, who talking, but not about the work because they were laughing a bit too much and algebra is not that funny

"Ignore Sag, he just wants to see the downfall of love," Laughed Comus as he turned around "You guys have a sharpener?"

"You don't listen to him Cap, he's never been in a closed relationship," Said Sagittarius as he passed Comus his sharpener "Why do you listen to our very Private conversation,"

"It's not very private if the whole class can hear it," Teased Comus "Anyways, I heard that the Zodiac games are happening real soon, can't wait to place my bet !"

"On me, I hope," Grinned Sagittarius

"The whole point of placing a bet is to win money Archer,"

"Trust me you are going to regret not putting your money on me,"

At that moment, the bell went off, and the sound of chairs moving and muttering filled the classroom. As the teacher tried to say some bullshit along the lines of "The bell doesn't dismiss you I do,"

As I was leaving the classroom, I could hear somebody call out my name. I thought that it was Pisces so I stopped and looked for her. It's very easy to lose that little gremlin in the crowd.

"Oh Thank the stars, I didn't think you'd stop," Said Scorpio as he pushed his way through the crowd to get to me. I wanted to walk away but my legs couldn't move "Can we talk?"

"I have class Scorpio," I said way more bluntly than indented

"I know but you seem mad at me,"

"Gee, I wonder why,"

"Cap, please don't be like this," said Scorpio

"I have class Scorpio," I repeated

"Okay but can we talk at break time," Asked Scorpio

"I don't know," I replied "You've been spending so much time with her."

Scorpio POV

Until break time, I wasn't able to concentrate on anything. I was just thinking about Capricorn, how he looked at me with disgust and cold eyes. Because I was hanging out with my friend? I'm really scared that he's going to end the relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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