Chapter 9

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Pisces Pov

I couldn't take my eyes of it. It was the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen.  The flower was a deep royal blue. I could see a slight glow on the petal. I couldn't wait until the the crescent moon came out so I can see it it glow at it brightness. 

I couldn't believe that Triton went out his way to get me this flower. A flower so rare that I've only seen it picture and digital art. But now, I have one right in front of me in beautiful glass case. 

Now, I was feeling conflicted, I didn't want fall in love with him again but, every time I see him. I can't help but think about the best times in our relationship.   

Third Person  

"Its so beautiful," Whispered Virgo, her eyes were also glued to the flower "How did he even manage to find it, they are so rare,"

"I say we throw it away," Capricorn  said abruptly 

For the first time, both Virgo and Pisces were able to tears their away from the flower. Both girl stared at Capricorn with complete horror.

"Who's we?" Virgo said with complete disgust "Why would I want damage such beauty?"

"I'm not throwing it away," Pisces said horrified, Capricorn opened to say something but Pisces cut him off. "No, I'm not going to hear you out either, I'm keeping it"

"Exactly you don't hear what I say because you already now what I'm about to say," Capricorn said "Come on, Virgo, this has to be some type of manipulation!"

"Pisces he's right...," Virgo said while looking at Pisces with sympathy "I'll have in instead,"

"No!" Pisces and Capricorn said at the same time

"I'm not going to repeat myself, I'm keep it, I don't care if it some sort of manipulation," Pisces dismissively as hugged the glass case close to her chest "I want it because its beautiful not because Triton brought it for me!"

"Taurus help me out here," Begged Capricorn, but Taurus was too busy daydreaming to realize what was happening around him "Scorpio,"

"Are you really going to meet up with later," Asked Scorpio

"Meet up with who?" Asked Pisces

"With Triton, you agreed to meet up with him later?" Replied Scorpio

"When did I say, I was going to meet up with him?"

"See, you were so captivated by the stupid flower-" Started Capricorn but Virgo and Pisces cut him off

"The flower is not stupid!"

"you didn't even realizes  that you agreed to talk to him later!" Argued Capricorn "Taurus told me how he forces you to come with him somewhere and that's why he was stuck in the pool!"

"I did not tell him," Taurus said quickly snapping out his daydream

"You talk in your sleep," Virgo and Capricorn said at the same time

"He didn't force me!" Pisces said furiously

"He was going to drown Taurus!" Capricorn argued back 

"Stars, I'm going to start wearing a gag to sleep," Sighed Taurus as he messaged his forehead "How much secret have I said in my sleep,"

"A lot," Replied both Capricorn and Virgo

"That an invasion of my privacy!"

"Not our fault you're loud," Laughed Virgo 

"Pisces," C




Celestial University || A Zodiac story||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat