Chapter 4

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Capricorn POV

I was tired, confused. And honestly done with everything. I know that Scorpio would never cheat on me. At least I think I do Or maybe I was blinded by love like Sagittarius said.

Why am I even letting Sagittarius mess with my head like this. It's very obvious that he dislikes Scorpio strongly. And I don't want arrogant. But it quite obvious that he likes me. I never really occurred to me until 30 minutes ago. 

He was doing gestures that I would consider as flirting like sitting close to me. Maintaining eye contact. His pupil were also very dilated as well. Maybe I was reading into this so much. I should just talk about it to Virgo. She takes psychology and was the first to realize that Scorpio liked me just by looking at his body language. 

After a few minutes of talking to Sagittarius, feel asleep. I didn't mean to fall sleep. I was up late the day before trying to finish of my presentation because Taurus' lazy ass forgot to do his part of the project.

I woke up to arms being wrapped around me.

"Sorry," Said the voice. My brain was still half asleep so it wasn't able to process who the voice belonged to

"For what?" I groaned,  as I rubbed my eyes

"For being mean to you and Sagittarius earlier," Pisces answered. She sounded really guilty. But I wasn't mad at her, I could probably could never be mad her at. 

"You don't need to apologies Pi," I said as I returned the hug. "You were just upset,"

"Still doesn't give me the right to act like a bitch when you were only trying comfort me," Pisces muffled into my chest. "Capricorn.... you're holding me to tight... I can't breathe,"

"Oh shit," I said as I let her go. Pisces pulled away laughing as she tried to caught her breathe. i laughed as well. Sometimes I that I literally have super strength. This is the third time, that I've almost killed somebody whilst doing a simple thing like hugging. "Are you alright,?"

"Yeah, my lungs are not that weak," laughed Pisces but she still sounded like she was out of breath.

Third Person POV

"How are you feeling about the whole Triton thing," Asked Capricorn as they sat on the sofa 

"I'm doing better than I though I would be doing," Replied Pisces, Capricorn could hear a hint of sadness in her voice "But Leo made me realize that were basically immortal, ageing doesn't really effect us, so I'll have a lifetime of finding somebody that will truly love me  plus I don't need to be in a relationship, when I have friends like you, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo,"

"Stars when did Leo actually start using logic," Capricorn joked, Pisces laughed "So what you doing for the rest of the day?"

"Well.." Pisces with a guilty look on her face, Capricorn raised an eye. "I'm going to  Comus's party,"

"Pisces.." Capricorn in annoyed tone but Pisces but her hand over his mouth

"Before you say anything, Virgo and Leo will be there to watch over me, incase anything goes down, you and Scorpio should as well in fact," Pisces was talking quickly so that Capricorn wouldn't interrupt her "I just wanna get so drunk that I forget my own name, please don't lecture, me,"

Capricorn said quiet for a second before taking Pisces hand off his mouth to talk

"Pisces, first of all you don't like drinking, second of all I don't trust Leo to look after you when we all now that she's one drink away from destroying her liver, third of all, Triton will probably be there at the party and finally why can't you just get drunk here ?" Capricorn said with a raised eyebrow. 

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