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Cancer POV

As always, Scorpio comes to me rescue. He's always at the right place at the right time. My heart was crushed by Tritons cruel words. I can't believe that I actually though that Triton loved me and that he wanted to be with me.

Now that I look back at it, there was really nothing stopping him from breaking up with Pisces. I was just so gullible and blinded by love that I wasn't able to see the red flags. There's no doubt that the video's that people were recorded in the library  has not already circulated around the entire school.

So not only am I presented as a whore that goes for taken guys. Gullible whore that believed their "boyfriend" would break up with their main girl for them.


Scorpio held on too my wrist until we were outside the school. Where no one could see us. 

"What were you thinking?" Scorpio demanded, he was still holding my wrist tight as he looked me straight in the eye. His eyes were still glowing. He sounded angry which, cause my eyes to start well up with tears. And, I just burst out crying. Scorpio had a panicked look on his face as he let go of my wrist.

"Fuck, Cancer, I am sorry please stop crying," Scorpio begged, he sounded tired and then he did something that I least expected. He wrapped his strong arm around me and embraced me as I cried into his chest. It felt like I was in his arm for ever. I didn't want him to let go of me. I felt save with him.

I felt loved.

Then abruptly, he let go me. I shoves his hands into his pockets. I turned around and saw that Capricorn, Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius were behind us.

Scorpio POV

Oh fuck. Oh fuck Oh fuck.

How long have they been standing there? 

Did they see when I... never mind

Capricorn looked like I just ripped out his heart and stomped all over it. Sagittarius whispered into Leo ear who then whispered in Virgo's ear. All four of them said nothing out loud. They just stood there staring at Cancer and I. I knew what it looked like. I knew I looked guilty. I wanted to explain myself but I fell like that will make me look even more guilty. 

So I just stood there with me hand in my pocket. Looking guilty 

"We were just going to check on Pisces," Capricorn said after clearing his throat. He didn't look me in my eye 

"Oh, can I join you guys?" I replied

"I think She'll get overwhelmed if too many people were to come," Leo said quickly, she was looking back and fourth between Cancer and I, with nothing but suspicion on her face. "Maybe later,"

"Yeah, er sure," I said, I looked at Capricorn "Talk you later?"

"Yeah," Capricorn replied "See you later babe,"


Aquarius POV

I let out a sigh as I put my arm between my arms. I was in the most boring subject ever. Philosophy. I didn't even understand why we were even taught it. It was so boring. Now I understand why Philosopher's were killed and isolated from their community. They so annoying. Always asking why thing were the way they were. 

They are so gosh darn nosey.

There is only one positive side to Philosophy though. And it pissing people off. Anything idea anybody said, my brain will always work fast to make an argument against them. Gaslighting them. I love gaslighting Gods, they always think they're right and people will always agree with them. And there's me.

Celestial University || A Zodiac story||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz