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I waited silently at my desk, staring at the black and white clock on the wall. Time seemed to be moving at 5 minutes per actual minute, and I have had enough of my Tuesday. Nobody had bullied me or started any rumors about me, but it was just a long and boring day. I listened to the stupid teacher ramble on about how Semicolons are the best thing ever but didn't retain anything. The teachers who think making us listen to sob stories and lectures and expect us to report well on a test are insane. The only reason I'm passing any of my classes is because of the study resources I found on my home computer. Quizlet and Sparknotes namely did the trick.

The clock had hit the 3:30 p.m time on the dot, and the loud bell rang in everyone's ears. Everyone jumped up from their desks and ran outside of the classroom, while my teacher told us about the upcoming pop quiz tomorrow. Ugh.

I walked out of the classroom and walked down those cursed hallways, and made my way outside. It hadn't snowed today, but everything was surprisingly coated in a thick layer of white snow. I was expecting it to be a slushy mess. I shrugged and walked outside, making my way off the premises.

My house was walking distance away, about only 2 blocks away, so I never got my driver's license. Mom always pestered me about it, but frankly, I'm too scared to drive anyways. I hope one day I can get over my fear of driving, but it's gonna be a little while.

The temp outside was pretty cold, but thankfully my big blue coat protected me from that awful cold. I made my way down the street, feeling the slight wind of the cars driving past me. Those were the kids getting ready to drink their life away in their homes. Typical for a small town like Vangough. Such a fancy name for such a horrible place to live. I can't wait to pack my bags and move somewhere calm like Vermont or Maryland. Hell, nobody thinks "North Dakota" when they want to move away, I might go there.

After a few minutes, I eventually made it to my home, waving to the neighbors across from me. We lived in a trailer park, so everyone there knew me and was even nice to me. The other day Lana Moten and her wife dropped off a pair of slippers for me. 'Early Christmas Gift' they told me. Of course, that was probably before they forget Christmas is even a thing from their bottle. I'm still thankful. They bode well with the rest of the slippers they have bought me.

I opened the door and walked in, facing the sight of my father passed out on the recliner in the living room. On the TV was an old Charlie Brown DVD playing, completely setting the mood for the rest of my day. Charlie Brown Valentines Day in November. Lovely. I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, where my mother greeted me with a big hug. "Hey hun, how was school?" She asked, her tone always calm.

"It was school. Glad I'm home." I said, giving her another hug.

I loved my mom more than anything. Even if we had our moments, she is the parent I get to talk to. I haven't had a normal conversation with my dad since the local gas station had a sale on Bud-light. Maybe that's for the best.

I set my bag down on the table and walked into my room, grabbing my controller off the bed. I powered on my Xbox and began to get play some Call Of Duty. It was about the most luxurious thing we have (considering we got the Xbox at a yard sale) so I am almost always on it. It's an escape from the world, and honestly probably saved my life once or twice. If nobody got me, at least the Xbox does.

That is where I sat for the rest of my day, occasionally coming out to help mom with dinner, and clean up my father's drunken mess. Life was good today, and as trashy as we are, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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