Chapter Two: Walk With Me/Killer Within

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Rick had killed Tomas and left Andrew for the walkers. He'd told them all later that day that they'd been a threat and needed to be dealt with. The only prisoners left were Axel and Oscar. No one really seemed to care though and Nate wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about the situation.

While the others were out in the yard getting it ready to grow crops, Nate stayed with Carl, Lori, Beth, and Hershel inside the prison. Carl promised he would teach him how to clean a gun so they had two spread out on a table. He was explaining what each piece was and where it went and Nate followed along with him. He had finally put it back together when Beth came back into the cell with a pair of crutches. Hershel had expressed that he finally wanted to walk today. Lori was helping the old man step up and since Nate had his gun back together, he stood up to follow them outside. Hershel had a bit of trouble with the stairs but he got a hold of his balance again. From their spot, he could see Glenn, Daryl, and Rick coming back through the fence with firewood and they had noticed Hershel walking.

"You're doing really good." Lori said with a smile.

"Ready to race, Hershel?" Carl asked and Nate snorted.

"You give me another day, I'll take you on." Hershel replied.

"Alright Hershel!" Glenn shouted and Nate laughed. It was nice, this moment of happiness. Maggie, Carol, and T-Dog weren't far from where they had backed up the cars and were all smiling as Hershel stood in the courtyard for the first time after his accident. Smiles looked good on them, Nate decided. However their happiness was short lived when Nate heard shuffling behind them and he turned and saw walkers. His heart dropped and he grabbed for his gun, he took a stand next to Carl who had stepped up onto the bleachers and they took out a few of their own.

"No!" Someone shouted, it must have been Rick. It sounded like him, especially when he heard him scream Lori's name. A walker got too close to Nate and Nate shuffled forward and took it out with his knife.
"Nate, come on!" Carl called and then he ran towards the gate that Maggie had pulled Lori and Carl into. Lori shut the door behind them, protecting them from the walkers.

They went back into the prison, towards their cell block but they were cut off by walkers and Maggie closed the door before they could get through.

"Where did they all come from?" Nate huffed out, his heart was beating loudly in his chest and Maggie just pushed the three of them out the door they came through and they turned down a dark hallway. More walkers had passed through and they found a room where they could sit tight for a while. Nate only had a moment to catch his breath as Lori leaned onto the wall and Maggie moved to hover her hand over her back.

"Can you keep up?" Maggie asked.

"Something's not right." She muttered in between gasps.

"Are you bit?" Nate cautiously asked, Lori shook her head.

"no, no, no. I think the baby's coming." She replied.

"No, there's no time!" Maggie exclaimed, she looked back as shuffling of feet and groans grew closer to them and Nate moved forward with Carl ready to take them out but Carl noticed a door.

"In here!" He called and Maggie moved in with Lori first and then Nate hurried inside and Carl closed the door behind them. In the distance, Nate could hear alarms blaring.

"Do you hear that?" He glanced over at Carl and the boy nodded.

"Lori lets lay you down." Maggie said but Lori refused. The baby was coming now. Nate felt slightly sick as he watched Lori be in so much pain.

"No, we have to go back to our cell block and get Hershel!" Carl exclaimed, Maggie shook her head.

"We can't risk getting caught out there, you're going to give birth in here." Maggie said, Nate only felt slightly terrified at the thought of Lori giving birth right now but it seemed to be happening anyways.

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