The Boy

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Dan's POV

I was inside on tumblr cause what else do I do with my life. Phil was out with some friends or shopping or whatever he does when he's not home. If I said I don't miss him by my side I would be lying. It was weird when the lounge was empty. I wonder what Phil is doing. No what am I doing I shouldn't be thinking of my best friend like this.
Oh what am I saying I've loved that boy since the day we met.

"I'm home"

The familiar sound of his voice made me smile. No stop smiling before he comes over here. But it was no use as soon as he walked in the room the crush got the best of me and I smiled so big I must have looked like an idiot.

"What are you smiling about"

God no Phil don't smile back oh god I must look so stupid. I smiled bigger and when I finally snapped out of my daze I had to come up with an excuse quick. "Oh um it's nothing just this thing on tumblr."

"Yeah okay well any way I got you something!"

"By that tone it better be a pet llama"

"No not today but I got something just as good"

Then he reached into his bag and pulled out some maltesers. God Phil this is why I love you. "Phil you know me so well!" He tossed the treat to me I tried catching it but I failed He laughed at my struggles of trying to pick up the package without getting up.

"Haha here let me help"

Phil walked over and picked it up so I wouldn't have to move.

"Do I have to open it for you too?"

"Haha very funny Phillip."

"Well I'm going to my room"

"Okay see you later Phil"

That night

I was still wide awake thinking of that stupid boy when I heard something in the kitchen. Phil I swear if you're eating my cereal. I got up as quietly as possible and tiptoed to the kitchen flipped on the switch and

"Bam caught red handed"

"Dan this is totally not what it looks like"

"Hmm I'm pretty sure I see you eating my cereal"

"....want some..."

"Hmm do I want to eat cereal at 3 am with my best friend or go back to bed...... Of course I'll eat some"

Eating cereal at 3 am with the man er no that's not the word boy I love what could be better than this.

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