Existential Crisis

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*writes update at 3 am secretly and sleepily*

Phils pov

Blanket check scared Phil check. It's storming outside I don't want to bother Dan but I'm reallly really scared.


I let out a high pitched scream and ran to Dans room.

"Dan a-re you awake?"

"Phil.... have you ever questioned if you exist"


"Like really exist or processed that one day we are all going to die the Earth will no longer be here and the human race poof gone"

"Uhhhh Dan are you okay"

"I mean if thinking about the purpose of life and how we will all die is okay then yeah"

Another strike of lightening


Dan snapped out of it when I screamed.


"Yeah just a bit scared"

"Oh thats proably why you came in here because you're scared and I'm talking about death while you aee over shaking I'm a terrible boyfriend aw phil come here"

"No no Dan it's okay can I just cuddle"

"Yes of course phil come here"

~just your daily dose of fluff~

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